(Field of Science):
- biomedical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
- civil engineering, geodesy and transport (Engineering and Technology)
- materials engineering (Engineering and Technology)
- mechanical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
(Field of Science)
Ministry points: Help
Year | Points | List |
Year 2025 | 70 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
Year | Points | List |
2025 | 70 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2024 | 70 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2023 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List |
2022 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2021 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2020 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2019 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2018 | 5 | B |
2017 | 5 | B |
2016 | 5 | B |
2015 | 5 | B |
2014 | 4 | B |
2013 | 4 | B |
2010 | 6 | B |
Points CiteScore:
Year | Points |
Year 2023 | 0.7 |
Year | Points |
2023 | 0.7 |
2022 | 0.6 |
2021 | 0.6 |
2020 | 0.5 |
2019 | 0.6 |
2018 | 0.6 |
2017 | 0.6 |
2016 | 0.4 |
2015 | 0.4 |
2014 | 0.2 |
2013 | 0 |
2012 | 0 |
Impact Factor:
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Papers published in journal
total: 20
Catalog Journals
Year 2024
A tool for designing water tanks for measuring hydroacoustic transducers
PublicationSpecial water tanks are commonly used to measure the parameters of underwater acoustic systems. They must meet specific requirements, the fulfilment of which ensures very small but acceptable measurement errors. These requirements define the size of the tank and its shape as well as the strong attenuation of reflected waves. At the design stage, it is necessary to determine the impact of the tank structure on the measurement errors...
EEG-Based Analysis of ASMR Stimuli: A Pilot Study of Neuropsychological Responses through Conventional vs. Bone-Conduction Headphones
PublicationIn this study, the impact of ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) experiences delivered through different types of headphones was evaluated with respect to neural responses and anxiety levels. The EEG data of a 24-year-old participant was recorded while he underwent ASMR stimulation using conventional and bone-conduction headphones. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) assessed anxiety levels before and after ASMR stimulation,...
Experimental tests of selected damping and sound-absorbing materials to determine their suitability for sound attenuation of hydroacoustic measuring tank
PublicationThe article contains a description and results of the measurements necessary to select the optimal material for damping two hydroacoustic measuring tanks according to simple suitability criteria, i.e. obtaining minimal sound reflections from the water surface, walls and bottom in these pools by covering the surfaces with sound-dispersing materials or acoustic absorbers. One will be larger (15x10x10 m) for measurements in the range...
Performance of low-power underwater modem for shallow water communications
PublicationThe low-power underwater acoustic modem is usually an important component of the Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN). Network nodes have predetermined energy resources that will not be replenished during the life of the node. In shallow waters, multipath propagation is constantly occurring and for the modem to work effectively, solutions to overcome them must be used, which will also meet the important criterion of energy...
Year 2023
Noise effect on parameters of quiet sonar with code modulation
PublicationEarlier publications of the paper authors have shown that the use of code keying mixed with the CW FM sound signal allows the significant reduction in the distance measurement error, compared to classic silent CW FM sonar. In addition to the code modulation parameters, the magnitude of this error is influenced by the received input acoustic noise. The article shows the dependence of the input signal-to-noise ratio and the sound...
Synchronization system for underwater acoustic communications using in shallow waters
PublicationA reliable synchronization system of the transmitted data frame has a significant impact on the efficiency of the underwater communication system. This applies in particular to communication systems dedicated to work in shallow waters, where the phenomenon of multipath permanently occurs. To overcome these difficulties, the concept of a synchronization system consisting of two broadband signals of opposite monotonicity was presented....
Year 2022
Conditions for Multiple Acquisition of Echoes from Stationary Targets in Successive Transmissions of Active Sonars
PublicationIn echolocation, the highest possible number of contacts with a detected target is clearly decisive on the possibilities of echo processing to optimise the estimation of distinctive characteristics of the observed target. In hydrolocation, the slow propagation of acoustic waves in water reduces the number of contacts of echosounders and sonars with detected targets. The article considers model conditions for acquiring multiple...
Pursuing Analytically the Influence of Hearing Aid Use on Auditory Perception in Various Acoustic Situations
PublicationThe paper presents the development of a method for assessing auditory perception and the effectiveness of applying hearing aids for hard-of-hearing people during short-term (up to 7 days) and longer-term (up to 3 months) use. The method consists of a survey based on the APHAB questionnaire. Additional criteria such as the degree of hearing loss, technological level of hearing aids used, as well as the user experience are taken...
Year 2021
A New Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Signal Detection Method for Underwater Acoustic Communications in Shallow-Water Channel
PublicationDirect-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) is one of the modulation and coding techniques used in Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems for reliable data transmision even at low signal levels. However, in a shallow water channel, there is a strong multipath propagation which causes a phase fluctuation of the received signal, affecting the performance of the spread-spectrum system. The article presents a differential method...
Method for the correlation coefficient estimation of the bottom echo signal in the shallow water application using interferometric echo sounder
PublicationThe article presents a new method for the assessment of bottom echo correlation coefficient in the presence of multiple echoes. Bottom correlation coefficient is a parameter that characterizes spatial properties of echo signal. Large variability of the bottom shape or properties (for example caused by the presence of bottom objects) and the presence of the acoustic shadow strongly influence the value of the correlation coefficient....
Underwater acoustic communication system using broadband signal with hyperbolically modulated frequency
PublicationThe implementation of reliable acoustic underwater communication in shallow waters is a scientific and engineering challenge, mainly due to the permanent occurrence of the multipath phenomenon. The article presents the concept of a transmission system using a broadband signal with hyperbolically modulated frequency (HFM) to transmit data symbols and synchronize data frames. The simulation tests were carried out in channels with...
Using FreeFEM open software for modelling the vibrations of piezoelectric devices
PublicationModelling vibrations of piezoelectric transducers has been a topic discussed in the literature for many decades. The first models - so-called one-dimensional - describe the vibrations only near operating frequency and near its harmonics. Attempts to introduce two-dimensional models were related to the possibility of one transducer working at several frequencies, including both thickness vibrations and those resulting from the transducer...
Year 2019
Performance of Coherent Modulation Scheme Used in Acoustic Underwater Communication System
PublicationThe development of an acoustic underwater communication system for shallow waters is still a big scientificand construction challenge. Currently, non-coherent modulations in combination with strong channel coding are used to achieve reliable communication with low rate in such a channel. To obtain transmission with a higher transmission rate, it is required to use coherent modulation. This paper presents the assumptions of such...
Simulation of Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Data Transmission System for Reliable Underwater Acoustic Communications
PublicationUnderwater acoustic communication (UAC) system designers tend to transmit as much information as possible, per unit of time, at as low as possible error rate. It is a particularly difficult task in a shallow underwater channel in which the signal suffers from strong time dispersion due to multipath propagation and refraction phenomena. The direct-sequence spread spectrum technique (DSSS) applied successfully in the latest standards...
Year 2016
Influence of Additional Loads on Chosen Gait Parameters and Muscles Activity
PublicationThis paper is devoted to human motion analysis and comparison of chosen kinematics parameters during normal gait with and without additional load in a form of backpack. A stability in both cases were compared in both frontal and sagittal planes, by applying a video tracking system. Experimental tests performed on treadmill, passive markers, placed on volunteers bare skin were used. Additionally, an infra-red camera was employed...
Timber-frame house resistant to dynamic loads - analysis of wall panel filled with polyurethane foam
PublicationThe present study shows the experimentally and numerically determined response of a single timber-frame house wall panel filled with polyurethane (PU) foam under dynamic loads. The harmonic tests were conducted for the following frequencies: 0.5 Hz, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz and 5.0 Hz for various values of the specified displacement. Based on the results of the comparison between the experimental tests and the numerical analyses, the numerical...
Year 2014
The modelling method of discrete-continuous systems
PublicationThe paper introduces a method of discrete-continuous systems modelling. In the proposed method a three-dimensional system is divided into finite elements in only two directions, with the third direction remaining continuous. The thus obtained discrete-continuous model is described by a set of partial differential equations. General difference equations of discrete system are obtained using the rigid finite element method. The limit...
Year 2012
Dynamics of mechanical model of implant-tissue system in ventral hernia repair
PublicationThe paper deals with a finite element modelling of implants in the problem of ventral hernia repair. The synthetic mesh implanted in the abdomen during surgery is here modelled as a membrane structure. Thesystem undergoes the internal abdominal pressure that occurs during the postoperative cough, the load identified in the literature as the main cause of the connection failure and hernia recurrence. The model can be used to estimate...
Modelling and Identification of Tower Type Historic Buildings
PublicationW pracy omawia się problemy modelowania i identyfikacji zabytkowych murowanych budowli wieżowych na przykładzie wieży Twierdzy Wisłoujście. Przedstawiono analizę modalną na podstawie dwukierunkowych pomiarów przyspieszeń na 9 poziomach wieży. Wyniki analizy posłużyły do identyfikacji modelu matematycznego budowli w postaci sztywnego bloku na podłożu sprężystym. Wykorzystano hierarchiczną procedurę opartą na analizie wrażliwości.
Year 2010
Hybrid Reduced Model of Continuous System
PublicationThe paper introduces an alternative method of modelling and modal reduction of continuous systems. Presented method is a hybrid one. It combines the advantages of modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. In the proposed method continuous structure is divided into one-dimensional continuous elements. For each 1D element modal decomposition and reduction is applied. Interactions between substructures are...
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