Magdalena Barańska - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge



Academic teacher, vocational advisor, educator. Scientific interests: evolution of the role of the university, vocational and personnel guidance, designing an educational and professional career(career planning), lifelong learning. problems of academic education. Since 2010, I have been working with various institutions providing training, consulting, and educational services. 2013 Ph.D. in social sciences in the field of pedagogy PhD Dissertation Title: Voluntary work in planning students careers, Promoter: prof. zw. dr hab. Ewa Solarczyk-Ambrozik, Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań 2008 Master's degree in pedagogy, speciality: vocational and personnel counseling Master's Dissertation Title: A woman - second category employee? The job market barriers and restrictions in women's opinions, Promoter: prof. zw. dr hab. Ewa Solarczyk-Ambrozik

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