Magdalena Śliwińska
total: 25
Catalog Publications
Year 2017
Authenticity Assessment of the "Onisiówka" Nalewka Liqueurs Using Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography and Sensory Evaluation
PublicationThe “Onisiówka” nalewka liqueur is a regional Polish alcoholic beverage, which is inscribed on the list of regional and traditional products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Poland. It is produced from multiflower honey, black elderberry flower syrup, and spirit. Due to fact that the “Onisiówka” nalewka liqueur has never been investigated, these studies are the foundation for further work on this regional...
Qualitative characteristics and comparison of volatile fraction of vodkas made from different botanical materials by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and the electronic nose based on the technology of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationBACKGROUND Vodka is a spirit-based beverage made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin. At present, increasingly more vodka brands have labels that specify the botanical origin of the product. Until now, the techniques for distinguishing between vodkas of different botanical origin have been costly, time-consuming and insufficient for making a distinction between vodka produced from similar raw materials. Therefore, it is...
Year 2016
Advances in Electronic Noses and Tongues for Food Authenticity Testing
Application of Electronic Nose Based on Fast GC for Authenticity Assessment of Polish Homemade Liqueurs Called Nalewka
PublicationThe possibility of application of electronic nose based on fast GC for differentiation of three types of cherry liqueurs, namely Polish homemade liqueurs called nalewka, commercially available liqueurs labeled as nalewka, and commercial liqueurs, was investigated. This device was equipped with two parallel connected columns with different stationary phases coupled to two ultrasensitive flame ionization detectors (μ-FIDs). Four...
Differentiation Between Spirits According to Their Botanical Origin
PublicationAgricultural distillates are used for the production of spirit beverages. As more and more products with a specific botanical composition specified on the label are produced (e.g. rye vodkas, wheat vodkas and Polish Vodka, which cannot be produced with the addition of maize distillate), it is necessary to look for quicker and more accurate methods allowing the determination of botanical origin of alcoholic beverages and materials...
Discrimination of Apple Liqueurs (Nalewka) Using a Voltammetric Electronic Tongue, UV-Vis and Raman Spectroscopy
PublicationThe capability of a phthalocyanine-based voltammetric electronic tongue to analyze strong alcoholic beverages has been evaluated and compared with the performance of spectroscopic techniques coupled to chemometrics. Nalewka Polish liqueurs prepared from five apple varieties have been used as a model of strong liqueurs. Principal Component Analysis has demonstrated that the best discrimination between liqueurs prepared from different...
Evaluation of the suitability of electronic nose based on fast GC for distinguishing between the plum spirits of different geographical origins
PublicationPlum spirits are obtained exclusively via the alcoholic fermentation and distillation of meaty plums or must composed of plums, with or without stones. The European countries such as Poland, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania are the leading producers of this alcoholic beverage. Information about the authentication of plum spirits produced in different countries can be found in the published literature....
The analysis of raw spirits – a review of methodology
PublicationAgricultural distillates (raw spirits) are alc oholic l iquids obtained thro ugh dis till ation (preceded by alcoholic ferm entation)of specific agricultural products that do not have the properties of ethyl alcohol or a spirit, but still retain th e aroma andtaste of the raw ingredients used. This review is a brief overview of agricultural distillates and of some methods commonlyused (GC-MS, GC-FID, GC-O, electronic nose) for...
The Verification of the Usefulness of Electronic Nose Based on Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography and Four Different Chemometric Methods for Rapid Analysis of Spirit Beverages
PublicationSpirit beverages are a diverse group of foodstuffs. They are very often counterfeited which cause the appearance of low quality products or wrongly labelled products on the market. It is important to find a proper quality control and botanical origin method enabling the same time preliminary check of the composition of investigated samples, which was the main goal of this work. For this purpose, the usefulness of electronic nose...
Year 2015
Application of electronic nose based on fast GC for comparison of aroma profiles of homemade cherry "Nalewka" made with addition of different amount of sugar
PublicationNalewka is a traditional Polish homemade spirit beverage and there are many different recepies for the production of nalewkas. However, it is not knownwhat amount of sugar can have influence of their aroma profiles. There is little information on the comparison of aroma profiles of Polish cherry nalewkas made with addition of different amount of sugar. For this purpose electronic nose based on fast GC has been used. Electronic...
Application of electronic nose based on fast GC for comparison of aroma profiles of homemade cherry "Nalewka" made with addition of different amount of sugar
PublicationNalewka is a traditional Polish homemade spirit beverage and there are many different recepies for the production of nalewkas. However, it is not knownwhat amount of sugar can have influence of their aroma profiles. There is little information on the comparison of aroma profiles of Polish cherry nalewkas made with addition of different amount of sugar. For this purpose electronic nose based on fast GC has been used. Electronic...
Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of spirit-based alcoholic beverages
PublicationSpirit-based beverages are alcoholic drinks, which production processes are dependent on the type and origin of raw materials. The composition of this complex matrix is difficult to analyze and scientists commonly choose a gas chromatography techniques for this reason. With a wide selection of extraction methods and detectors it is possible to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis for many chemical compounds with a various...
The Analysis of Vodka: A Review Paper
PublicationVodka is the most popular alcoholic beverage in Poland, Russia and other Eastern European countries, made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin that has been produced via fermentation of potatoes, grains or other agricultural products. Despite distillation and multiple filtering, it is not possible to produce 100 % ethanol. The solution with a minimum ethanol content of 96 %, which is used to produce vodkas, also contains trace amounts...
The comparison of vodka, whisky and moonshine by using the electronic nose based on the technology of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationVodka andwhisky are produced fromgrain distillates. Formerly these alcohols were very often counterfeited, by the made in home conditions spirit drink called moonshine, which is obtained by distilling a mash from the alcoholic fermentation. This study presents research aimed at checking the usefulness of the electronic nose using ultra-fast gas chromatography for the differentiation of whisky, vodka and moonshine. 12 samples of...
The comparison of vodka, whisky and moonshine by using the electronic nose based on the technology of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationVodka andwhisky are produced fromgrain distillates. Formerly these alcohols were very often counterfeited, by the made in home conditions spirit drink called moonshine, which is obtained by distilling a mash from the alcoholic fermentation. This study presents research aimed at checking the usefulness of the electronic nose using ultra-fast gas chromatography for the differentiation of whisky, vodka and moonshine. 12 samples of...
The flavour of fruit spirits and fruit liqueurs: a review
PublicationFruit spirits and liqueurs are among the most popular spirit-based beverages made from fruits such as plums, cherries, melon, apple, citrus and pear. The types of fruits and production methods have a great significance for the quality of the final product. The production process of spirits consists of the following stages: fermentation, distillation and maturation. For this reason scientists started to investigate the composition...
Year 2014
Food analysis using artificial senses.
PublicationNowadays, consumers are paying great attention to the characteristics of food such as smell, taste, and appearance. This motivates scientists to imitate human senses using devices known as electronic senses. These include electronic noses, electronic tongues, and computer vision. Thanks to the utilization of various sensors and methods of signal analysis, artificial senses are widely applied in food analysis for process monitoring...
PublicationStan środowiska a zwłaszcza powietrza ma wpływ na wiele aspektów życia, m in. na jakość produktów spożywczych. Z tego względu niezwykle ważne jest monitorowanie stanu środowiska, które odbywa się za pomocą wielu technik analitycznych. Jedną z nich jest elektroniczny nos. Pierwotnie elektroniczny nos był wykorzystywany tylko do badania uciążliwości zapachowej powietrza. Obecnie technika ta wykorzystywana jest również do monitorowania...
PublicationStan środowiska ma znaczny wpływ na jakość upraw. W konsekwencji występowanie zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu ma istotny wpływ na jakość żywności. W skutek złego stanu powietrza zewnętrznego i wewnętrznego zmieniają się m.in. walory sensoryczne i zdrowotne niektórych produktów spożywczych. Z tego powodu należy nieustannie monitorować stan środowiska za pomocą m.in. nowoczesnej aparatury analitycznej jakim jest elektroniczny nos. W...
Zastosowanie elektronicznych zmysłów w analizie żywności. Cz. III Sztuczne oko
PublicationW dzisiejszych czasach konsumenci zwracają dużą uwagę na takie cechy żywności jak: zapach, smak i wygląd. Ze względu na to naukowcy od wielu lat podejmują próby naśladowania ludzkich narządów zmysłów za pomocą urządzeń określanych jako elektroniczne zmysły. Zaliczamy do nich elektroniczny nos i język oraz komputerowy system rozróżnienia barw i kształtów. Komputerowy system analizy obrazu zwany „Computer Vision” obejmuje zagadnienia...
Year 2013
Application of the Electronic Nose Technique to Differentiation between Model Mixtures with COPD Markers
PublicationABSTRACT The paper presents the potential of an electronic nose technique in the field of fast diagnostics of patients suspected of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The investigations were performed using a simple electronic nose prototype equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors manufactured by FIGARO Co. They were aimed at verification of a possibility of differentiation between model reference mixtures with...
Botanical and geographical origin characterization of polish honeys by headspace SPME-GCxGC-TOFMS
PublicationVolatile organic compounds (VOCs) composition of Polish honeys obtained from various geographical regions was studied. Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) using Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane-coated fibers was used in combination with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC× GC-TOFMS) because of the complexity of the samples. Acacia, linden, rapeseed, buckwheat...
PublicationJakość powietrza podlega ocenie według kryteriów określonych normami prawnymi. Ze względu na liczne zanieczyszczenia powietrza wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego, które mogą zagrażać zdrowiu człowieka niezbędne jest kontrolowanie ich stężeń oraz identyfikacja ich źródeł. Coraz częściej do tego celu wykorzystuje się elektroniczne nosy, czyli przyrządy analityczne umożliwiające szybkie wykrywanie i rozróżnianie mieszanin substancji zapachowych...
Zastosowanie elektronicznych zmysłów w analizie żywności - cz. 1
PublicationW dzisiejszych czasach konsumenci zwracają dużą uwagę na takie cechy żywności jak: zapach, smak i wygląd. Ze względu na to naukowcy od wielu lat podejmują próby naśladowania ludzkich narządów zmysłów za pomocą urządzeń określanych jako elektroniczne zmysły. Zaliczamy do nich elektroniczny nos i język oraz komputerowy system rozróżnienia barw i kształtów. Elektroniczny nos jest najbardziej rozwiniętym i najczęściej stosowanym sztucznym...
Zastosowanie elektronicznych zmysłów w analizie żywności. Zastosowanie elektronicznego języka w analizie żywności.
PublicationW dzisiejszych czasach konsumenci zwracają dużą uwagę na takie cechy żywności jak: zapach, smak i wygląd. Ze względu na to naukowcy od wielu lat podejmują próby naśladowania ludzkich narządów zmysłów za pomocą urządzeń określanych jako elektroniczne zmysły. Zaliczamy do nich elektroniczny nos i język oraz komputerowy system rozróżnienia barw i kształtów. Elektroniczny język znany również jako sztuczny język lub czujnik smaku,...
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