Małgorzata Ćwieląg-Drabek
Research fields
- No data
total: 19
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Year 2023
Year 2022
Health Risk Assessment of Exposure to Nitrates in Drinking Water Depending on the Source of Its Origin
Year 2021
Lead in human teeth dentine as a bio-indicator of environmental exposure to lead
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Occurrence of Breast Cancer in the Population of Peri- and Postmenopausal Women in the Aspect of Environmental Exposure to Airborne Dust Pollution
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Potential impact of parents' lifestyle on the occurrence of leukemia in their children
Year 2020
Correlation between Length of Life and Exposure to Air Pollution
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Health risks from consumption of medicinal plant dietary supplements
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Healthcare workers’ awareness of risks related to the use of X-rays in medical procedures
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Non-Dioxin-Like PCBs – the Key Air Pollutant Associated with Lung Cancer in 15 Cities in Silesia
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Risk of cadmium, lead and zinc exposure from consumption of vegetables produced in areas with mining and smelting past
Year 2019
A risk assessment of dietary exposure to ochratoxin A for the Polish population
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PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs in locally produced foods as health risk factors in Silesia Province, Poland
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The relationship between children's non-nutrient exposure to cadmium, lead and zinc and the location of recreational areas - Based on the Upper Silesia region case (Poland)
Year 2018
Year 2017
Cadmium in edible plants from Silesia, Poland, and its implications for health risk in populations
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Long-term exposure to urban air pollution and the relationship with life expectancy in cohort of 3.5 million people in Silesia
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Preliminary study of possible relationships between exposure to PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs in ambient air and the length of life of people
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