Marek Zienkiewicz - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


Publication showcase

  • Assessing historical church tower asymmetry using point cloud spatial expansion

    - Journal of Building Engineering - Year 2023

    Church towers are key cultural heritage. In theory, towers are vertical, while facade elements are symmetrically positioned around the tower axis. However, during service of a structure, building and lifetime conditions cause deviations, with associated risks. Laser scanning point clouds can be used to assess the structural state but a universal approach was missing. The proposed algorithm first estimates the tower inclination,...

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  • Identification of Unstable Reference Points and Estimation of Displacements Using Squared Msplit Estimation

    - MEASUREMENT - Year 2022

    The article presents a new version of the method for estimating parameters in a split functional model, which enables the determination of displacements of geodetic network points with constrained datum. The main aim of the study is to present theoretical foundations of Msplit CD estimation and its basic properties and possible applications. Particular attention was paid to the efficacy of the method in the context of geodetic...

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  • Empirical analyses of robustness of the square Msplit estimation

    - Journal of Applied Geodesy - Year 2021

    The paper presents Msplit estimation as an alternative to methods in the class of robust M-estimation. The analysis conducted showed that Msplit estimation is highly efficient in the identification of observations encumbered by gross errors, especially those of small or moderate values. The classical methods of robust estimation provide then unsatisfactory results. Msplit estimation also shows high robustness to single gross errors...

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Obtained scientific degrees/titles

  • 2017-10-10

    Obtained science degree

    dr inż. Geodesy and cartography (Technology)
    Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

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