![Profile photo: Maria Sibinska](/assets/maria-sibinska,230325011655355-0/photo.png)
Maria Sibinska
- 1988 - present at University of Gdańsk
total: 6
Catalog Publications
Year 2022
Constructing Sámi images in Scandinavian television series: Between pessimism and new possibilities
Year 2019
Bowaryzm jako samotność. „Miłość” Hanne Ørstavik, czyli opowieść o norweskiej pani Bovary końca XX wieku
Year 2018
Å Reise Nordover Eller Å Utfordre Det Norske: Ailo Gaups Trommereisen Og Helene Uris Rydde Ut
Year 2017
Tułacze i nomadzi. O twórczości Sigbjørna Skådena
PublicationThis article focuses on nomadic aspect of the Saami writer Sigbjørn Skåden’s works. The nomadic nature of his literary projects is seen from the perspective of modernity rather than as a manifestation of ethnicity. The author of the article points out certain nomadic features of Skåden’s writings, such as the shifting perspectives on the subject and the world, the polyglot character of the world created, the transgression of...
Year 2016
Saamskie teatry
Year 2015
Krajobraz nomadyczny w Muittalus samid birra (1910) Johana Turiego
PublicationThe article introduces Muittalus samid birra (1910, An account of the Sami) by Johan Turi, the fi rstbook with a secular content written in the sami language by a sami person. The author, a wolf hunterand reindeer-breeder, describes a broad spectrum of his people’s daily life. Pictures of everydayactivities are supplemented with stories about the sami people’s knowledge of the world (traditions,myths,...
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