dr inż. Mariusz Wyroślak
- Assistant professor at Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering
Social media
- mwyr@pg.edu.pl
Assistant professor
- Workplace
Budynek Wydz. Hydrot.
room 309 open in new tab - Phone
- (58) 347 20 75
Publication showcase
Establishing Relationships between Parameters of the controlled Compaction Soil by Using Various In-Situ Tests
The aim of research was evaluating reliable correlations between chosen soil parameters describing state of surface layers of soil. The paper presents site comparative tests based on the light falling weight deflectometer (LFWD), the static plate load tester (VSS), the dynamic probing light tester (DPL) and the bearing ratio tester (CBR in-situ) with relationships between soil state parameters. All featured in-situ...
Blast Charge Technique as a Method of Soil Improving to Locate the New Supporting Runways
A quick and effective method of reinforcing the ground base designed for the construction of engineering structures used for performing various types of air operations was presented. It allows to use wastelands, wetlands, swamps, etc. for these purposes, thus creating a dispersed network of landing sites, increasing the access of large social groups to air transport and increasing their mobility.
Airstrip Ground Improvement Works by Blasting Charge Technique and Dredged-Ash Material Mixture
Soil improvement by blasting charge technique is known in geotechnics as one of the efficient and inexpensive method. It can be used in preparing of underground to found road construction and buildings as well. The technique proves usefulness especially when dynamic load is applied. It is because of non-stiff or rather resilient type soil after improvement. In noncohesive or organic soil, blasting charge...
Obtained scientific degrees/titles
Obtained science degree
dr inż. Construction (Technology)
seen 2524 times