mgr inż. Martyna Mul
Research fields
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- marczar2@pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Step on It Bringing Fullwave Finite-Element Microwave Filter Design up to Speed
There are many steps in the design of a microwave filter: mathematically describing the filter characteristics, representing the circuit as a network of lumped elements or as a coupling matrix, implementing the distributed elements, finding the initial dimensions of the physical structure, and carrying out numerical tuning using electromagnetic (EM) simulators. The whole process is painstaking and time-consuming, and it requires...
Inverse Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem Framework for the Synthesis of Coupled-Resonator Filters With Nonresonant Nodes and Arbitrary Frequency-Variant Reactive Couplings
A novel, general circuit-level description of coupledresonator microwave filters is introduced in this article. Unlike well-established coupling-matrix models based on frequency-invariant couplings or linear frequency-variant couplings (LFVCs), a model with arbitrary reactive frequencyvariant coupling (AFVC) networks is proposed. The engineered formulation is more general than prior-art ones—with the only restriction that the coupling...
Reliable Greedy Multipoint Model-Order Reduction Techniques for Finite-Element Analysis
A new greedy multipoint model-order reduction algorithm for fast frequency-domain finite-element method simulations of electromagnetic problems is proposed. The location of the expansion points and the size of the projection basis are determined based on a rigorous error estimator. Compared to previous multipoint methods, the quality of the error estimator is significantly improved by ensuring the orthogonality of the projection...
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