dr hab. inż. Michał Michna
- Associate professor at Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
- Head of Department at Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
e-Learning courses
SYSTEMY ELEKTROMECHANICZNE [Niestacjonarne][2023/24]
Studia niestacjonarne, kierunek Elektrotechnika, stopień II, semestr 1
Projektowanie systemów elektromechanicznych [Stacjonarne] [2022/23]
Studia stacjonarne i niestacjonarne, kierunek Elektrotechnika, stopień 2, semestr 2
Electric Machines [Energy Technologies][2022/23]
Fundamentals of elektromechanical energy conversion. Bachelor/Engineer in Energy Technologies, 4th semester, undergraduate, full-time.
Projektowanie systemów elektromechanicznych [2023/24]
Electrical Engineering [Design and Production Engineering][2022/23]
Additional teaching materials for Electrical Engineering for design and production engineering course at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - 4'th semester, undergraduate
Maszyny elektryczne EN [2022/23]
Materiały wspomagające realizacje przedmiotu Maszyny Elektryczne dla kierunku Energetyka (sem. 4) studiów stacjonarnych pierwszego stopnia.
Projekt zespołowy [2020/21]
SYSTEMY ELEKTROMECHANICZNE [Niestacjonarne][2022/23]
Studia niestacjonarne, kierunek Elektrotechnika, stopień II, semestr 1
Maszyny elektryczne EN [2020/21] - Nowy
Materiały wspomagające realizacje przedmiotu Maszyny Elektryczne dla kierunku międzywydziałowego Energetyka (4 sem.) studiów stacjonarnych pierwszego stopnia.
Celem przedmiotu jest nauczenie jak opracować model systemu elektromechanicznego, przeprowadzić symulacje, zinterpretować wyniki oraz porównać je z wynikami pomiarów Kierunek studiów Automatyka i Robotyka Poziom studiów I stopnia - inżynierskie Rok studiów 3 Semestr studiów 5
Maszyny elektryczne EN [2021/22] - Nowy
Materiały wspomagające realizacje przedmiotu Maszyny Elektryczne dla kierunku Energetyka (sem. 4) studiów stacjonarnych pierwszego stopnia.
Projektowanie systemów elektromechanicznych [Niestacjonarne] [2024/25]
Studia stacjonarne i niestacjonarne, kierunek Elektrotechnika, stopień 2, semestr 2
MASZYNY ELEKTRYCZNE [Niestacjonarne][2022/23]
Studia niestacjonarne, kierunek Elektrotechnika, stopień 1, semestr 2
Maszyny elektryczne EL [2022/23]
Materiały wspomagające realizacje przedmiotu Maszyny Elektryczne dla kierunku Elektrotechnika (sem. 3) studiów stacjonarnych pierwszego stopnia.
Napędy i systemy zasilania w robotyce [Mechatronika, Robotyka i obiekty bezzałogowe][2023/24]
Materiały dydaktyczne do przedmiotu "Napędy i systemy zasilania w robotyce" dla kierunku Mechatronika Wydziału Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa, Specjalność: robotyka i obiekty bezzałogowe (WIMiO), studia I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne.
Electric Machines [Energy Technologies][2024/25]
Fundamentals of elektromechanical energy conversion. Bachelor/Engineer in Energy Technologies, 4th semester, undergraduate, full-time.
Electric Machines [Energy Technologies][2023/24]
Fundamentals of elektromechanical energy conversion. Bachelor/Engineer in Energy Technologies, 4th semester, undergraduate, full-time.
Electric Machines Virtual Laboratory
This is an educational aid for students. It shows the environment of industrial application of electric machines and allows for a look inside them. Users can see the main components of the power system in its natural environment. This course is to allow access to the VR app – Electric Machines Virtual Laboratory.
Electric Drives [WIMiO][2023/24]
Projektowanie systemów elektromechanicznych [ET][2024/25]
Conducted classes
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Hydrogen Technologies and Electromobility
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Hydrogen Technologies and Electromobility
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Hydrogen Technologies and Electromobility
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Electric Machines
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Information Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Diploma workshop
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Team Project
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Information Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Information Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Modeling and Simulation of Electromechatronic Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Information Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation in Mechatronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
Information Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
seen 5422 times