dr hab. inż. Michał Michna
- Associate professor at Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
- Head of Department at Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
total: 90
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Voltage Control of a Stand-Alone Multiphase Doubly Fed Induction Generator
PublicationThis article presents a multiphase doubly fed induction generator (MDFIG) with a dedicated and unique control algorithm in a stand-alone wind energy conversion system. The algorithm has been developed and elaborated in the case of different emergency modes. Compared with the traditional double-fed induction generator, the MDFIG has increased reliability, reduced current level per phase, and low rotor harmonic currents. The control...
Year 2024
Development of an emulation platform for synchronous machine power generation system using a nonlinear functional level model
PublicationThe article presents the Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) approach for an autonomous power system analysis based on the synchronous generator model incorporating magnetic saturation effects. The model was prepared in the MATLAB/Simulink environment and then compiled into the C language for the PHIL platform implementation. The 150 kVA bidirectional DC/AC commercial-grade converter was used to emulate the synchronous generator....
Electrical Simulations of the SIS100 Superconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Circuits: Transients, Earthing and Failure Modes
PublicationThe 100 Tm superconducting synchrotron SIS100 is the main accelerator of the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) currently under advanced construction in Darmstadt, Germany. The SIS100 dipole circuit which creates the magnetic field required to bend the beam, consists of 108 dipoles distributed over six arc sections of the ring. The magnetic field for the beam focusing is generated by three individual...
Year 2023
Analysis of the Usefulness of Cheap Audio Recorders for Spectral Measurement of Environmental Noise
PublicationEnvironmental noise pollution is nowadays one of the most serious health threats. The impact of noise on the human body depends not only on the sound level but also on its spectral distribution. Reliable measurements of the environmental noise spectrum are often hampered by the very high price of top quality measuring devices. This paper explores the possibility of using much cheaper audio recorders for the frequency analysis....
Design advantages and analysis of a novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator
PublicationPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the performance of a new five-phase doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents the results of a research work related to fivephase DFIG framing, including the development of an analytical model, FEM analysis as well as the results of laboratory tests of the prototype. The proposed behavioral level analytical model is based...
Improved methods for stator end winding leakage inductance calculation
PublicationCalculating the stator end-winding leakage inductance, taking into account the rotor, is difficult due to the irregular shape of the end-winding. The end-winding leakage may distribute at the end of the active part and the fringing flux of the air gap. The fringing flux belongs to the main flux but goes into the end-winding region. Then, not all the magnetic flux occurring in the end region is the end-winding leakage flux. The...
Monitorowanie oddziaływania ruchu kolejowego na środowisko - koncepcje i metody realizacji.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe założenia projektu badawczego, realizowanego w ramach Wspólnego Przedsięwzięcia NCBR i PKP PLK pn. „Badania i Rozwój w Infrastrukturze Kolejowej – BRIK 2”, dotyczącego opracowania systemu monitorującego, integrującego i przetwarzającego gromadzone dane związane z hałasem i drganiami na potrzeby zarządzania procesami utrzymaniowymi i inwestycyjnymi zarządcy infrastruktury kolejowej. W efekcie...
Practical aspects of testing superconducting electromagnets by the capacitor discharge method taking into account the non-linearity of circuit parameters
PublicationThe article presents selected issues related to the development and testing of the diagnostics systems dedicated for superconducting electromagnets. The systems were constructed to assess the production quality of superconducting electromagnets of the SIS100 synchrotron, a new accelerator being built as part of the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). One of the systems is used for automatic checking of electrical connection...
Winding function approach based design of novel five-phase brushless doubly fed induction generator
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of the new design of the five-phase brushless doubly fed induction generator. The generator is dedicated to the modern wind turbine. The innovative design approach uses a five-phase power supply from the stator control winding side of the generator with a stator three-phase classic power winding. The research results presented indicate that the electromagnetic coupling between the control and power...
Zintegrowany system monitoringu oddziaływań transportu kolejowego na środowisko
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono działania podejmowane w ramach realizacji projektu badawczego Wspólnego Przedsięwzięcia NCBR i PKP PLK pn. „Badania i Rozwój w Infrastrukturze Kolejowej – BRIK2”. Projekt dotyczy monitoringu szeregu parametrów opisujących oddziaływania transportu kolejowego na środowisko naturalne oraz tereny zurbanizowane. Założono, że na podstawie pomiarów określonych wielkości fizycznych oraz na podstawie szeregu danych...
Year 2022
Development and performance analysis of a novel multiphase doubly-fed induction generator
PublicationThis paper presents the research into the design and performance analysis of a novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). The designed DFIG is developed based on standard induction motor components and equipped with a five-phase rotor winding supplied from the five-phase inverter. This approach allows the machine to be both efficient and reliable due to the ability of the five-phase rotor winding to operate during...
Fault-tolerant performance of the novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator
PublicationThe article presents the concept of a new design of a multi-phase doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). The innovative design approach uses a five-phase power supply from the rotor side of the generator with a three-phase classic stator power supply. Modern three-phase doubly-fed induction generators are the dominant choice for Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS). Solutions of this type are sensitive to the loss of at least...
Modified Preisach model of hysteresis in multi air gap ferrite core medium frequency transformer
PublicationThis article presents the modified Preisach model of hysteresis for a 3-phase medium frequency transformer in a 100 kW dual active bridge converter. The transformer magnetic core is assembled out of ferrite I-cores, which results in multiple parasitic air gaps. For this transformer, the hysteresis loops were measured and parameters of the Preisach model were determined. The Preisach distribution function is approximated with a...
Preparatory Railway Track Geometry Estimation Based on GNSS and IMU Systems
PublicationThe article discusses an important issue of railway line construction and maintenance, which fundamentally is the verification of geometric parameters of the railway track. For this purpose, mobile measurements have been performed using a measuring platform with two properly arranged GNSS receivers, which made it possible to determine the base vector of the platform. The measuring functionality of the system was extended by IMU....
Verification of Satellite Railway Track Position Measurements Making Use of Standard Co-Ordinate Determination Techniques
PublicationThe article presents the results of satellite railway track position measurements performed by a multidisciplinary research team, the members of which represented Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University. Measuring methods are described which were used for reconstructing the railway track axis position and diagnosing railway track geometry deformations. As well as that, the description of the novel method...
Year 2021
Design Evolution of the Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators
PublicationThe development process and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor is presented in this paper. The proposed design consists of three individual cells integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system. Those elements are combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. The two new prototypes have been designed, simulated and tested. Finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain...
Lagrangian model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer accounting magnetic cross saturation
PublicationThis article presents a nonlinear equivalent circuit model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer. The model takes into account the magnetic cross saturation of the 3-phase core-type magnetic circuit. The model is suitable in detailed electromagnetic transient simulations of power systems involving isolated dc-dc converters. The model is developed using the Lagrange energy method. It involves...
Year 2020
Comparative Study of Integer and Non-Integer Order Models of Synchronous Generator
PublicationThis article presents a comparison between integer and non-integer order modelling of a synchronous generator, in the frequency domain as well as in the time domain. The classical integer order model was compared to one containing half -order systems. The half-order systems are represented in a Park d-q axis equivalent circuit as impedances modelled by half-order transmittances. Using a direct method based on the approximation...
Design of battery charging system update for glider launcher
PublicationThis paper presents an innovative solution for increasing life of lead-acid batteries used in a glider launcher. The study is focused on upgrading a charging system instead of a costly full replacement of it. Based on literature review, the advanced three-stage charging profile was indicated. The new topology of the power converter was proposed and a simulation model was developed. A simulation study was performed which leads to...
Effective Permeability of Multi Air Gap Ferrite Core 3-Phase Medium Frequency Transformer in Isolated DC-DC Converters
PublicationThe magnetizing inductance of the medium frequency transformer (MFT) impacts the performance of the isolated dc-dc power converters. The ferrite material is considered for high power transformers but it requires an assembly of type “I” cores resulting in a multi air gap structure of the magnetic core. The authors claim that the multiple air gaps are randomly distributed and that the average air gap length is unpredictable at the...
Mechanical-Level Hardware-In-The-Loop and Simulation in Validation Testing of Prototype Tower Crane Drives
PublicationIn this paper, the static and dynamic simulations, and mechanical-level Hardware-In-the-Loop (MHIL) laboratory testing methodology of prototype drive systems with energy-saving permanent-magnet electric motors, intended for use in modern construction cranes is proposed and described. This research was aimed at designing and constructing a new type of tower crane by Krupiński Cranes Company. The described research stage was necessary...
Multiple reference frame theory in the synchronous generator model considering harmonic distortions caused by nonuniform pole shoe saturation
PublicationThe paper describes a synchronous generator model developed based on the multiple reference frame theory. The main physical phenomena included in the model are the machine armature non-sinusoidal voltage waveform and the influence of armature current in load conditions on the armature voltage waveform higher harmonic components. The modified multiple reference frame theory model is proposed. In this modified theory model the field...
Non-Salient Brushless Synchronous Generator Main Exciter Design for More Electric Aircraft
PublicationThis paper presents a prototype of high speed brushless synchronous generators (BSG) design for the application in autonomous electric power generation systems (e.g., airplane power grid). Commonly used salient pole field of the main generator part of BSG was replaced with a prototype non-salient pole field. The main objective of the research is an investigation into the advantages and disadvantages of a cylindrical field of the...
Year 2019
3-phase medium frequency transformer for a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge converter
PublicationThe article presents a three-phase Medium Frequency Transformer being a part of a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge DC-DC converter. The transformer design is detailed focusing on winding and core power loss calculation. The high power three-phase MFT prototype is presented. The experimental results include the transformer impedance characteristics, no load test and three-phase DAB full load test waveforms
Design and Experiments of a Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators
PublicationThis paper represents a numerical and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor. The proposed design consists of three individual cells that are integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. Each of the cells is characterized by a traveling wave and rotating mode motor. A finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain optimal...
FEA analysis of the multicell piezoelectric motor
PublicationThe presented paper concerns a design, modeling and chosen tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). The principle of operation based on three independent traveling wave actuators is presented. The main materials and technologies used in the fabrication process are described. The structure of the motor is modeled using static and modal FEM analysis. The process of traveling wave generation in the MPM structure...
System zdalnego monitoringu parametrów pracy siłowni wiatrowej o pionowej osi obrotu
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono układ do zdalnego monitorowania parametrów pracy elektrowni wiatrowej o pionowej osi obrotu. Do budowy systemu wykorzystano mikrokomputer klasy Raspberry PI 3 z zainstalowanym systemem operacyjnym Raspbian oraz kartę pomiarową MicroDAQ E2000. Opracowanysystem umożliwia monitorowanie mocy na wyjściu generatora, momentu na wale turbiny, prędkości obrotowej turbiny oraz prędkości wiatru. Wartości monitorowanych...
The system for remote monitoring of a vertical axis wind farm
PublicationThe article presents a system for remote monitoring of working parameters of a wind turbine with a vertical axis. The monitoring system was built using a Raspberry PI 3 microcomputer with the Raspbian operating system and a MicroDAQ E2000 measuring card. The developed system enables monitoring the power output of the generator, torque on the turbine shaft, turbine speed and wind speed. The values of the monitored parameters are...
Year 2018
Chosen Analysis Results Of The Prototype Multicell Piezoelectric Motor
PublicationThis paper presents the design, modeling and tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). A new concept of the electromechanical structure of the considered prototype is based on three rotating-mode actuators. The electromechanical structure of each actuator has been considered as an independent one - referred to as a “single cell” (single actuator). Combined three resonant actuators generate three traveling waves...
Determination of Mathematical Model Parameters of a Medium Frequency Transformer
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental studies of the medium frequency transformer. The object of the research was a prototype of a single-phase transformer with a core made of ferrite I-core elements and windings made of Litz conductors. The research was carried out to determine the parameters of the transformer's mathematical model. The scope of the tests included determining the magnetic hysteresis loop and measuring...
Year 2017
Detection of inter-turn faults in transformer winding using the capacitor discharge method
PublicationThe paper presents results of an analysis of inter-turn fault effects on the voltage and current waveforms of a capacitor discharge through transformer windings. The research was conducted in the frame of the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research project which goal is to build a new international accelerator facility that utilizes superconducting magnets. For the sake of electrical quality assurance of the superconducting magnet...
Low speed permanent magnet synchronous generator for vertical axis wind turbine
PublicationThe paper presents design process and tests of a prototype low speed permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) dedicated for the innovative vertical-axis wind turbine. The rated data of the designed generator are following: power - 15 kVA, voltage - 400 V (Y), rotation speed - 93.75 rpm. The design assumptions, chosen results of the design process and experimental tests of the prototype PMSG are presented. The considered PMSG...
Modelling of steady state and transient performance of the synchronous generator considering harmonic distortions caused by non-uniform saturation of the pole shoe
PublicationIn this paper a synchronous generator model is described. This model is developed on the assumption that in loaded and no load conditions the saturation effect affects the pole shoe in a different way. The developed model is based on the multiple saliency model and is formulated using winding function approach in machine variables. The influence of the non-uniform saturation of the pole shoe in load conditions on the performance...
Simulation of the remanence influence on the transient states in a single-phase multiwinding transformer
PublicationThis paper presents the mathematical model of a single-phase multi-winding core type transformer taking into account magnetic hysteresis phenomenon based on the feedback Preisach model (FPM). The set of loop differential equations was developed for a K-th winding transformer model where the flux linkages of each winding includes flux Φ common to all windings as a function of magneto motive force Θ of all windings. The first purpose...
Wyznaczenie parametrów modelu matematycznego transformatora średniej częstotliwości
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych transformatora średniej częstotliwości. Obiektem badań był prototyp transformator jednofazowego z rdzeniem wykonanym z prostopadłościennych elementów ferrytowych i uzwojeniami wykonanymi z przewodów Litz’a. Badania przeprowadzono w celu wyznaczenia parametrów modelu matematycznego transformatora. Zakres badań obejmował wyznaczenie pętli histerezy magnetycznej oraz pomiar impedancji...
Zastosowanie modułu symulacji dynamicznej programu CAD w analizie układu napędowego elektronarzędzia
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono analizę mechanicznego układu przeniesienia napędu elektronarzędzia (wyrzynarki elektrycznej) przy zastosowaniu Modułu Symulacji Dynamicznej (MSD) programu Autodesk Inventor (AI). Opracowano modele 3D poszczególnych części elektronarzędzia i połączono je przy zachowaniu tzw. kinematyki odwrotnej. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu poszczególnych węzłów kinetycznych na przebieg momentu na wale silnika elektrycznego....
Zastosowanie tranzystorów GaN w wysokoczęstotliwościowych przekształtnikach DC/DC
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono tranzystory mocy z azotku galu (GaN) jako przyrządy, umożliwiające budowanie wysokoczęstotliwościowych przekształtników energoelektronicznych. Opisano tranzystory GaN HEMT SSFET, przedstawiono sposób ich sterowania i czasy przełączeń. Podano wyniki badań eksperymentalnych przekształtnika obniżającego napięcie o sprawności 96,5%, pracującego z częstotliwością przełączeń 500 kHz. Zaprezentowano metodę doboru...
Year 2016
Badania dynamiki ruchu odbieraków prądu z wykorzystaniem programu Autodesk Inventor
PublicationRozwój kolei dużych prędkości stawia coraz wyższe wymagania w zakresie konstrukcji i utrzymania sieci trakcyjnych oraz odbieraków prądu. Głównym problemem technicznym jest konieczność zapewnienia ciągłości styku pomiędzy przewodem jezdnym a nakładkami stykowymi ślizgacza. Współpraca pomiędzy elementami zestyku ślizgowego zależy w istotnym stopniu od zastosowanej konstrukcji odbieraka i wartości parametrów, zwłaszcza tych, które...
Mathematical modelling of the overhead contact line for the purpose of diagnostics of pantographs
PublicationThe overhead contact line (OCL) is the most effective way for supplying railway electric vehicles. The increase of the speed of the vehicles increases power consumption and requires ensuring proper cooperation of pantographs with OCL. The paper describes the novel mathematical model of the OCL system and the simulation results. The primary objective is a more accurate analysis to increase the reliability of the evaluation of monitoring...
Model of the double-rotor induction motor in terms of electromagnetic differential
PublicationThe paper presents a concept, a construction, a circuit model and experimental results of the double-rotor induction motor. This type of a motor is to be implemented in the concept of the electromagnetic differential. At the same time it should fulfill the function of differential mechanism and the vehicle drive. One of the motor shafts is coupled to the direction changing mechanical transmission. The windings of the external rotor...
Simplified saturation modelling in three-leg power transformer for the system stability analisys
PublicationThe paper presents a simplified method for modelling non-linearity of the magnetic circuit of the power transformer. The saturation effect is implemented by describing the self and mutual inductances as a function of the magnetic flux. The most important element of this function is the saturation coefficient which is calculated based on transient state during the unloaded transformer switch on. The transformer model is described...
Właściwości uzwojeń koncentrycznych ułamkowo-żłobkowych w aspekcie jakości napięcia generatorów synchronicznych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy właściwości uzwojeń koncentrycznych ułamkowo żłobkowych. Porównano wartość współczynnika uzwojenia dla podstawowej harmonicznej oraz zawartość wyższych harmonicznych. Obliczenia wykonano w oparciu o zależności analityczne zaimplementowane w specjalnie przygotowanym programie komputerowym. W celu weryfikacji wyników przygotowano model numeryczny maszyny bezszczotkowej maszyny prądu przemiennego...
Wolnoobrotowy generator z magnesami trwałymi do elektrowni wiatrowej z turbiną o pionowej osi obrotu
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono założenia projektowe, wybrane wyniki etapu projektowania i badania prototypu wolnoobrotowego generatora z magnesami trwałymi współpracującego z elektrownią wiatrową z innowacyjną turbiną o pionowej osi obrotu. Projekt został wykonany na zlecenie firmy ALU ECO Sp. z o.o. z Gdańska w ramach projektu badawczorozwojowego Pionowa Turbina Wiatrowa, współfinansowanego przez Polską Agencję Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości...
Wpływ parametrów tarcia w przegubach modelu odbieraka prądu na jego właściwości dynamiczne
PublicationJednym z istotnych podzespołów elektrycznego pojazdu szynowego jest odbierak prądu. Pogorszenie parametrów odbieraka skutkuje jego niewłaściwą współpracą z siecią jezdną, co przyspiesza zużycie obydwu tych elementów układu odbioru prądu, generując znaczne koszty eksploatacyjne. W niekorzystnych warunkach może prowadzić do uszkodzenia sieci jezdnej, co z reguły wywołuje znaczne zaburzenia w ruchu pociągów i generuje duże koszty....
Year 2015
Analiza drgań przewodu jezdnego sieci trakcyjnej w aspekcie oceny jej stanu technicznego.
PublicationGórna sieć trakcyjna jest nadal najefektywniejszym sposobem zasilania kolejowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Sieć jezdna nie ma możliwości technicznych redundancji, co wymaga okresowej oceny stanu technicznego w celu zapewnienia prawidłowej współpracy z odbierakami prądu pojazdów. W artykule przedstawiono aspekty oceny stanu technicznego górnej sieci trakcyjnej na podstawie modelowania matematycznego i wybranych badań laboratoryjnych....
Design and modeling of the piezoelectric motor based on three resonance actuators
PublicationThis paper describes a piezoelectric motor which combines advantages from two existing piezoelectric motors topologies. The research work presents the design, simulations and measurements of the piezoelectric motor with three rotation-mode actuators. The aim of the project was to obtain the high speed piezoelectric motor. Other advantages of this conception are blocking torque, short response times, the ability to work in a hostile...
Modelling of the High Speed Multi-Pole Synchronous Generator for Application in More Electric Aircraft Power Systems
PublicationIn this paper different models of the synchronous generator are presented. The simulation results compared with the measurements are shown. Certain physical phenomena are included in described models for the porpoise of adequate analysis of the more electric aircraft power system. For different modelling levels, such as functional level or behavioural level, different physical phenomena have been included. Simulation results for...
PublicationW artykule opisano proces dydaktyczny związany zanalizą stanów przejściowych na przykładzie załączanianieobciążonego transformatora 1-fazowego. Eksploatacjatransformatorów z rdzeniem ferromagnetycznym wiąże się zkoniecznością przeciwdziałania skutkom dużych prądówłączeniowych, w tym odpowiedniego doboru zabezpieczeń.Zrozumienie przyczyn powstawania prądu łączeniowego jestkluczowym zagadnieniem przy doborze aparatury w obwodachzasilania...
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono różne techniki CAD (ang. Computer Aided Design) wykorzystywane w inżynierii elektrycznej dla potrzeb komputerowego modelowania 3D przetworników elektromechanicznych. Wirtualne modele 3D różnych urządzeń są użyteczne nie tylko przy opracowywaniu dokumentacji technicznej ale są także wykorzystywane w obliczeniach inżynierskich:...
The Dynamic Model of Magnetic Hysteresis
PublicationThis paper presents the scalar dynamic magnetic hysteresis model based on the Preisach theory. The important role in this theory played hysteresis operator states. The changes of these operators` states are not immediate in the dynamic model but they are a function of time and parameter k representing the magnetic properties of the material. In this paper the transient state of the hysteresis operator is defined by the nonlinear...
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