dr hab. inż. Michał Sobaszek
- Associate professor at Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics
Research fields
High sensitivity voltammetric sensor of 4-nitrotoluene based on nanoflake-rich boron-doped carbon nanowall electrode for water safety - raw data
Open Research DataRaw data of the paper: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00604-025-07065-5
XPS data of deuterium and hydrogen grown boron-doped diamond
Open Research DataThe high-resolution C1s X-ray absorption spectra of BDD@H and BDD@D samples were measured using the facilities of the HE-SGM beamline (HE-SGM) at the BESSY II synchrotron radiation source of Helmholtz–Zentrum Berlin (HZB).[90] The measurements were carried out under ultra-high vacuum conditions: P ≈ 2×10−9 Torr at T = 300 K. The NEXAFS spectra were...
The BDD electrodes wettability modification by anodic polarization treatment
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the raw images, photographs obtained for the contact angle measurement at the surface of the boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode. The measurements were carried out on after potentiodynamic polarization procedure, at various anodic polarization scan range (no polarization - HTBDD; 1.0 V; 1.4 V; 1.9 V; 2.5 V vs Ag|AgCl, scan rate...
SEM micrographs of diamond-phase (sp3-C) rich boron-doped carbon nanowalls (sp2-C)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) micrographs taken for rich boron-doped carbon nanowalls structures, with different boron addition during the synthesis process and different CVD synthesis duration. The [B]/[C] ratios in the plasma were set to 0k, 1.2k, 2k and 5k ppm. The time of growth was ranging between 4 and 9 hours. This...
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