dr hab. inż. Michał Szociński
- Associate professor at Department of Corrosion and Electrochemistry
Social media
- micszoci@pg.edu.pl
Associate professor
- Workplace
Budynek C Wydz. Chemii
room 312 open in new tab - Phone
- (58) 347 14 40
- micszoci@pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Influence of water salinity on corrosion risk - the case of the southern Baltic Sea coast.
Water corrosivity in Gdansk Bay, Poland, the southern part of the Baltic Sea, was investigated. The analysed region is heavily industrialized, and the coastline is very diverse. Twenty-seven test points along the coastline were selected. Water parameters such as salinity, total dissolved solids content, resistivity, conductivity, oxygenation, pH and corrosion rate were determined. The results of the investigation are presented....
Influence of the ionic strength on the amyloid fibrillogenesis of hen egg white lysozyme
The study investigates the role of the electrostatic interactions in the fibrillation of the hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL). In order to achieve this aim the influence of the cations Na+, Mg2+ and Al3+ on the amyloid fibril formation and amorphous aggregation was tested. The amyloids are formed in the solution without added salt but the Thioflavin T fluorescence gives the false-negative result. In these conditions, the HEWL fibrils...
Application of the dynamic EIS to investigation of transport within organic coatings
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad gwałtownym niszczeniem organicznych powłok ochronnych. Zastosowano technikę Dynamicznej Elektrochemicznej Spektroskopii Impedancyjnej (DEIS). Przez 60 sekund powłoka poliwinylowa poddawana była działaniu chlorku metylenu. W tym czasie rejestrowano chwilowe widma impedancyjne, co pozwoliło na prześledzenie dynamiki procesu degradacji powłoki. Potwierdzono przydatność techniki DEIS w badaniu...
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