Dr hab. n. farm. Michal Tomczyk
- professor at Medical University of Bialystok
Research fields
total: 150
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
A review of the traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and clinical evidence for the use of the genus Alchemilla (Rosaceae)
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Skin microbiota metabolism of natural products from comfrey root (Symphytum officinale L.)
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Using Flavonoid Substitution Status to Predict Anticancer Effects in Human Melanoma Cancers: An In Vitro Study
Year 2023
(1→3)-α-d-Glucooligosaccharides Increase the Killing Capacity of NK Cells against Selected Human Colon Cancer Cells
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Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: structure-activity relationship and kinetic studies on selected flavonoids
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Acknowledgement to Reviewers 2022
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Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of New Honey Varietals
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Effects of Cirsium palustre Extracts and Their Main Flavonoids on Colon Motility—An Ex Vivo Study
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In vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities and acetylcholinesterase inhibition properties of selected plant extracts
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In vivo evaluation of the antipsoriatic effect of hydrogel with lavandin essential oil and its main components after topical application
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Investigation of the Membrane Localization and Interaction of Selected Flavonoids by NMR and FTIR Spectroscopy
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New Perspectives for the Use of Potentilla alba Rhizomes to Treat Thyroid Gland Impairments
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Optimization of Cyclodextrin-Assisted Extraction of Phenolics from Helichrysum italicum for Preparation of Extracts with Anti-Elastase and Anti-Collagenase Properties
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Phytochemical Profiling of Extracts from Rare Potentilla Species and Evaluation of Their Anticancer Potential
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Polar localization of new flavonoids from aerial parts of Scleranthus perennis and Hottonia palustris and their modulatory action on lipid membranes properties
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Response of murine gut microbiota to a prebiotic based on oligosaccharides derived via hydrolysis of fungal α-(1→3)-d-glucan: Preclinical trial study on mice
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The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) and the power of Twitter networking exemplified through #INPST hashtag analysis
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Tiliroside Combined with Anti-MUC1 Monoclonal Antibody as Promising Anti-Cancer Strategy in AGS Cancer Cells
Year 2022
Anticancer potential of acetone extracts from selected Potentilla species against human colorectal cancer cells
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Biotransformation of Modified Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids: Boldine and Berberine and In Silico Molecular Docking Studies of Metabolites on Telomerase and Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B
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Determination of Flavonoids in Selected Scleranthus Species and Their Anti-Collagenase and Antioxidant Potential
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Dysphania schraderiana (Schult.) Mosyakin & Clemants – An overlooked medicinal and ritual plant used in Poland
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Editorial: Pharmacology of Plant Polyphenols in Human Health and Diseases
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Flavonoids as tyrosinase inhibitors in in silico and in vitro models: basic framework of SAR using a statistical modelling approach
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Flavonoids of the Caryophyllaceae
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Glycerol and Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents Extraction for Preparation of Luteolin-Rich Jasione montana Extracts with Cosmeceutical Activity
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Hottonia palustris L. extracts as Apis mellifera boosters in the fight against nosemosis
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In Vitro Screening for Anti-Acetylcholinesterase and Antioxidant Activities of Hottonia palustris L. Extracts and Their Unusual Flavonoids
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LC-PDA-MS and GC-MS Analysis of Scorzonera hispanica Seeds and Their Effects on Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines
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Metabolic Profiling of Jasminum grandiflorum L. Flowers and Protective Role against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity: Network Pharmacology and In Vivo Validation
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New polymethoxyflavones from Hottonia palustris and their effects in an oral squamous carcinoma (SCC-25) cell line
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New Polymethoxyflavones from Hottonia palustris Evoke DNA Biosynthesis-Inhibitory Activity in An Oral Squamous Carcinoma (SCC-25) Cell Line
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p-Coumaric acid, Kaempferol, Astragalin and Tiliroside Influence the Expression of Glycoforms in AGS Gastric Cancer Cells
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Scleranthus perennis extracts prolonged the honeybee lifespan
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Skin cancer, including related pathways and therapy and the role of luteolin derivatives as potential therapeutics
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Tannins as Hemostasis Modulators
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Wound Healing Properties of Jasione montana Extracts and Their Main Secondary Metabolites
Year 2021
A Comprehensive Review on the Medicinal Importance; Biological and Therapeutic Efficacy of Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) (Bottle Gourd) Standley Fruit
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Akebia quinata and Akebia trifoliata - a review of phytochemical composition, ethnopharmacological approaches and biological studies
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Ameliorative Role of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Against Fipronil Impact on Brain Function, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptotic Cascades in Albino Rats
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Apoptosis induction in C32 human melanoma cells by Jasione montana and its main phytoconstituents
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Artemisia abrotanum L. (Southern Wormwood)—History, Current Knowledge on the Chemistry, Biological Activity, Traditional Use and Possible New Pharmaceutical and Cosmetological Applications
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Artemisia dracunculus (Tarragon): A Review of Its Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology
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Cytotoxic effect on human melanoma cell lines and tyrosinase inhibition of Hottonia palustris
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Determination of anti-tyrosinase activity of acetone extracts from selected Potentilla L. species.
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Editorial: Food/Diet Supplements From Natural Sources: Current Status and Future Challenges From a Pharmacological Perspective
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Evaluation of the anti-tyrosinase activity of extracts and rare flavonoids from Scleranthus perennis L.
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Flavonoids as inhibitors of human neutrophil elastase
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Fungal Endophyte: An Interactive Endosymbiont With the Capability of Modulating Host Physiology in Myriad Ways
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Impacting the Remedial Potential of Nano Delivery-Based Flavonoids for Breast Cancer Treatment
seen 1542 times