Natalia Łukasik - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge



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Catalog Publications

Year 2024
  • Chitosan-based nanomaterials for removal of water pollutants
    • M. Mumtaz
    • N. Hussain
    • S. Salam
    • H. M. Azam Husnain
    • N. Łukasik
    • T. H. Kim
    • J. C. Sousa dos Santos
    • J. Ejbye Schmidt

    - Year 2024

    The rise of micropollutants presents a significant threat to both the environment and human well-being, requiring effective strategies for their mitigation. Chitin serves as the precursor for chitosan, composed of two monomers featuring acetamido and amino groups. Chitosan possesses several noteworthy attributes, including its ability to bind water and fat, humidity content, solubility, consistent molecular weight, and various...

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  • Fabrication of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Supported on Zinc Imidazolate Metal–Organic Frameworks as Active Catalysts for Hydrogen Release from Ammonia Borane
    • E. S. Souza
    • M. A. de Oliveira
    • J. d. J. Santana
    • N. Łukasik
    • O. M. M. Madeiro da Costa
    • L. C. Almeida
    • B. Barros
    • J. Kulesza

    - ACS Omega - Year 2024

    Well-dispersed Au and Ag nanoparticles (NPs) have been immobilized on a zinc imidazolate metal−organic framework, Zn(mim), using the “one-pot” method and tested as catalysts in ammonia borane hydrolysis. The AuNPs@Zn(mim) and AgNPs@Zn(mim) materials were characterized by FTIR, XRD, ICP-OES, TGA, BET, SEM, and TEM. The AgNPs@Zn(mim) catalyst showed a high yield (98.5%) and high hydrogen generation rate (3352.71 mL min−1 gAg−1) in...

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  • Innovative strategies: Combining treatments for advanced wastewater purification
    • R. A. de Jesus
    • N. Łukasik
    • A. Kumar
    • L. F. R. Ferreira

    - Year 2024

    Water scarcity is a pressing global challenge, driving the urgent need for effective wastewater treatment solutions. With untreated wastewater extensively employed, particularly in agriculture, the significance of proper treatment becomes evident, as it presents a more practical and ecologically responsible alternative. This chapter explores the diverse treatment approaches encompassing chemical, physical, and biological methods,...

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  • New technologies for green hydrogen activation, storage, and transportation
    • B. Barros
    • N. Łukasik
    • J. Kulesza
    • J. D. da Silva Fonseca

    - Year 2024

    Developing new green hydrogen activation, storage, and transportation technologies is a highly complex and multidisciplinary endeavor. This challenge arises from integrating various scientific, engineering, and environmental considerations. Effective evaluation of green hydrogen technologies involves a holistic approach that considers not only the technical aspects but also economic, environmental, and social factors. These criteria...

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Year 2023
Year 2022
Year 2021
Year 2020
Year 2019
Year 2018
Year 2017
Year 2016
Year 2015
Year 2014
Year 2013
  • Czy należy bać się E?

    W ciągu ostatnich lat nastąpił gwałtowny rozwój rynku żywnościowego. Producenci chcąc utrzymać się na rynku dopasowują się do nowych wymagań i rosnących potrzeb konsumenta. Duża konkurencja w branży żywnościowej zmusza wytwórców do ciągłego obniżania kosztów produkcji przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu atrakcyjności wyrobu. Obecnie można kupić niemal wszystko: kilka rodzajów chleba, masła, serów, wędlin i... czego tylko dusza zapragnie....

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  • Magia oświetlenia

    Obecnie oświetlenie, oprócz funkcji praktycznej, spełnia również walory estetyczne: wpływa na atmosferę pomieszczenia i stanowi element dekoracji. Na rynku dostępny jest szeroki wachlarz lamp: od tradycyjnych świetlówek do żarówek halogenowych i nowoczesnych diod świecących LED.

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  • Recognition and sensing of anions

    Molecular ion recognition is one of the most intensively studied areas of supramolecular technology. The reason for this is the essential role that ions play in many biological as well as industrial processes. On the other hand, however, it has been proved that ions can have a negative impact on human health and the environment. For these reasons, it is extremly important to develop rapid and simple methods allowing the determination...

  • Recognition of environmentally important ions

    - Logistyka - Year 2013


Year 2012
  • Anion recognition by n,n'-diarylalkanediamides

    The preparation of N,N'-diarylalkanediamides from respective aliphatic dicarboxylic acidesand 4-nitroaniline via microwave-promoted reactions is presented. The most positive effect of microwave irradiation was observed for N,N'-bis(4-nitrophenyl)butanediamide. Anion binding studies on the obtained diamides were carried out in DMSO and acetonitrile using UV-vis and 1H NMR spectroscopy. A mechanism for selective fluoride recognition...

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  • Hydrożele

    Od wieków ludziom towarzyszyły trzy główne rodzaje materiałów: szkło, ceramika i metale. Wraz z rozwojem cywilizacji poszukuje się coraz to nowszych substancji, które wykazują cenne właściwości i pozwalają na szerokie zastosowanie. Jednym z takich przykładów są hydrożele, które często nazywane są superabsorbentami. Jak sama nazwa wskazuje są to żele zawierające wodę. Podstawowym elementem ich budowy jest polimer, czyli wielkocząsteczkowa...

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  • Synthesis of amides under microwave irradiation

    Amides belong to the most important carboxylic acid derivatives. They are constituents of natural compounds like peptides and proteins. They found applications in many branches of science and industry, especially in pharmaceutical and polymer science. Conventional procedures for amide preparation involve reaction between amine and carboxylic acid or their more active derivatives such as acid chlorides, acid anhydrides or esters....

Year 2011
  • Pharmaceutical applications of surfactants

    - Year 2011

    In this study we focused on biological activity of various surfactants. According to our research, they con act both as carriers as well as therapeutic agents. Depending on their concentration, they can create different structures in a solution, which influence their properties. Liposomes have a significant role in drug delivery system. Surfactants in from of bilayer are analogous to natural biological cell membrane.

  • Prądotwórcze mikroorganizmy

    Artykuł dotyczy projektu badawczego prowadzonego przez Naukowe Koło Chemików.

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