Datasets starting with F clear
total: 24526
filtered: 72
Open Research Data
FTIR-ATR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-Attenuated Total Reflectance) of TNR (titanium dioxide nanorods) and TNR@Ni-foam (titanium dioxide nanorods on nickel foam)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains FTIR-ATR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-Attenuated Total Reflectance) of TNR (titanium dioxide nanorods) and TNR@Ni-foam (titanium dioxide nanorods on nickel foam) measurements . The detailed equipment and measurement data was described in "readme FTIR-ATR.txt" file.
Fluctuation-enhanced sensing of organic solvent vapors mixture by machine learning
Open Research DataThe data set consists of exemplary results of the product of voltage noise power spectral density S(f) multiplied by frequency f and normalized to squared DC voltage U^2 recorded in the graphene back-gated Field Effect Transistor under UV light assistance (275 nm) in the selected ambient atmospheres (Figure 3) and the results of gas detection by SVM...
Forest habitat types in the State Forests and their age structure in the years 2007-2008
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data illustrating the area occupied by various types in the State Forests and their age structure over the years 2007-2008. It should be noted that this only concerns forests managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The average age is determined as a weighted average, with the area in individual age classes and subclasses...
Forest habitat types in the State Forests in Polish provinces in years 2009- 2013
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in forest habitat structure occurring between 2009 and 2013 in various provinces of Poland. It should be noted that this only concerns forests managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The term forest area refers to the area of forests excluding land related to forest management. The main source...
Forest habitat types in the State Forests in Polish provinces in years 2009- 2013
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in forest habitat structure occurring between 2009 and 2013 in various provinces of Poland. It should be noted that this only concerns forests managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The term forest area refers to the area of forests excluding land related to forest management. The main source...
Forest habitat types in the State Forests in Polish provinces in years 2014- 2018
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in forest habitat structure occurring between 2019 and 2023 in various provinces of Poland. It should be noted that this only concerns forests managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The term forest area refers to the area of forests excluding land related to forest management. The main source...
Forest habitat types in the State Forests and their age structure in the years 2014-2018
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data illustrating the area occupied by various types in the State Forests and their age structure over the years 2014-2018. It should be noted that this only concerns forests managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The average age is determined as a weighted average, with the area in individual age classes and subclasses...
Floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC) batch experiment: plant microscopy observations
Open Research DataThis data collection includes plant root microscope findings. Species chosen for observation: Iris pseudacorus (IP) and Phragmites australis (PA). The anatomical measurements were taken with an optical microscope (Delta Optical Genetic Pro with 3MP camera; Delta Optical, Poland) that had lens magnifications of 4x and 10x and an ocular magnification...
Fatigue data of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E5.5 (over 28 days of curing at 20C, field cores)
Open Research DataDataset presents data of fatigue life determined for cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with following binding agents: 3% cement and 5.5% emulsion (C3E5.5). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Mixture contains 60% of RAP material. Specimen size: f=100 mm, h=48,4 - 70,9 mm.
Forest habitat types in the State Forests and their age structure in the years 2019-2023
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data illustrating the area occupied by various types in the State Forests and their age structure over the years 2019-2023. It should be noted that this only concerns forests managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The average age is determined as a weighted average, with the area in individual age classes and subclasses...
Forest habitat types in the State Forests in Polish provinces in years 2019- 2023
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in forest habitat structure occurring between 2019 and 2023 in various provinces of Poland. It should be noted that this only concerns forests managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The term forest area refers to the area of forests excluding land related to forest management. The main source...
Floating treatment wetland with Equisetum hyemale - performance in nutrients and potentially toxic elements removal
Open Research DataThis data set contains the results of a microcosm experiment with floating treatment wetlands (FTW) conducted under artificial conditions. The goal of this experiment was to determine the effect of stress factors (Pb, As, increased salinity) on the nutrient uptake capacity of Equisetum hyemale in FTW. The ability of E.hyemale to uptake Pb and As was...
Fatigue data of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E5.5 (Direct tension, over 28 days of curing at 20C)
Open Research DataFatigue data of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E5.5 (Direct tension, over 28 days of curing at 20C)
FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy) spectra of titanium dioxide coated nickel foams.
Open Research DataThis dataset contains FTIR spectra recorded on a JASCO 4200 spectrometer of nickel foams coated with titanium dioxide after heating at 400, 500 and 600 C and after photocatalytic process with NOx.
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of bulk boron and borophene flakes
Open Research DataThese data contain Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of bulk boron and borophene flakes obtained during ball milling (450 rpm, 6 h, 1 g). Spectra were acquired to investigate the chemical bonds and functional groups on the surface of the pristine boron and borophene flakes.
Fatigue data of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E5.5 (over 28 days of curing at 20C)
Open Research DataFatigue data of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E5.5 (over 28 days of curing at 20C)
Fresh properties of concrete mixes M0-M100 concrete mixes
Open Research DataDataset of fresh properties of concretes containing different amount of magnetite aggregate (M0-M100) mixes.*. ODS - open-source spreadsheet file file consists results of:
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of pre- PXBS (0 h) and PXBS during the crosslinking process (24 h–288 h)
Open Research DataThe goal of this research was developing biodegradable and biocompatibile xylitol-based copolymers with improved mechanical properties, and investigating the change in their thermal and chemical properties withprogress of the cross-linking process. Using a raw material of natural origin such as xylitol, a prepolymer wasobtained by esterification and...
FTIR in situ - ethylene decomposition on TiO2
Open Research DataThese data contain FTIR spectra recorded in FTIR spectrometer Nicolet iS50 coupled with High Temperature Chamber "The Praying Mantis". These spectra were measured for TiO2 irradiated by UV and under flowing of ethylene gas diluted in air. FTIR spectra were measured in situ during the photocatalytic process of ethylene decomposition. In order to identify...
FTIR-TiO2 heated at 400-600oC in Ar or H2
Open Research DataData contain FTIR diffuse eflectance spectra of TiO2, which was heat-treated at 400-600oC in Ar or H2. Hydrogen reduced TiO2 revealed new bands due to the adsorption of some species on the titania oxygen vacancy sites.