LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models

wersja 1.1


The set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the conveyor belt. Afterwards empty frames, with no brick visible, were removed from the set. The images were saved in JPEG format. All images were generated using Blender (https://www.blender.org/) tool and were based on the 3D models from LDraw (https://www.ldraw.org/) brick library. The bricks were than extracted from the original images using OpenCV edge detection algorithms.

The colors for the LEGO bricks were selected from the following list [color (code)]: White (0xffffff), Brick Yellow (0xD9BB7B), Nougat (0xD67240), Bright Red (0xff0000), Bright Blue (0x0000ff), Bright Yellow (0xFfff00), Black (0x000000), Dark Green (0x009900), Bright Green (0x00cc00), Dark Orange (0xA83D15), Medium Blue (0x478CC6), Bright Orange (0xff6600), Bright Bluish Green (0x059D9E), Bright Yellowish-Green (0x95B90B), Bright Reddish Violet (0x990066), Sand Blue (0x5E748C), Sand Yellow (0x8D7452), Earth Blue (0x002541), Earth Green (0x003300), Sand Green (0x5F8265), Dark Red (0x80081B), Flame Yellowish Orange (0xF49B00), Reddish Brown (0x5B1C0C), Medium Stone Grey (0x9C9291), Dark Stone Grey (0x4C5156), Light Stone Grey (0xE4E4DA), Light Royal Blue (0x87C0EA), Bright Purple (0xDE378B), Light Purple (0xEE9DC3), Cool Yellow (0xFFFF99), Medium Lilac (0x2C1577), Light Nougat (0xF5C189), Dark Brown (0x300F06), Medium Nougat (0xAA7D55), Dark Azur (0x469bc3), Medium Azur (0x68c3e2), Aqua (0xd3f2ea), Medium Lavender (0xa06eb9), Lavender (0xcda4de), White Glow (0xf5f3d7), Spring Yellowish Green (0xe2f99a), Olive Green (0x77774E), Medium-Yellowish Green (0x96B93B).

The original folder contains the renders themselves, the cropped_opencv directory contains only bricks extracted from th erenders. In both cases the images were placed in a folder named after the LEGO brick code (as read from LDraw). The files naming convetion is as follows


where brickID is the LEGO brick id number as read from LDraw, color is the name of the selected brick color, sequenceNumber is the integer from 0 to 9 indicating the number of the image in the sequence and timestamp is UNIX time representation in milliseconds of the image creation time.

Sample images are presented below.

Illustration of the publication
Illustration of the publication

Dataset file

9.3 GB, S3 ETag db83b827d9e7906f5fa09dcc1b65abc0-19, downloads: 31
The file hash is calculated from the formula
hexmd5(md5(part1)+md5(part2)+...)-{parts_count} where a single part of the file is 512 MB in size.

Example script for calculation:
download file RENDER_1-2.zip

File details

Creative Commons: by-nc 4.0 open in new tab


Year of publication:
Verification date:
Dataset language:
Fields of science:
  • computer and information sciences (Natural sciences)
  • information and communication technology (Engineering and Technology)
DOI ID 10.34808/0r2x-8z35 open in new tab
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology


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seen 61 times