Genus Oncidium Sw. is widely regarded as a polyphiletic, and the taxonomic boundaries between him and such genera as Odontoglossum Kunth. or Miltonia Lindley remain blurred. The aim of the study was to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Oncidium s.lato based on the DNA sequences analysis. The correlation between molecular data and geographical distribution of the studied species was also examined. Two markers were used for the analysis: the ITS sequence derived from the nuclear genome and the matK gene that is part of mitochondrial DNA. Sequences were obtained by DNA isolation from frozen leaves, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing. For their analysis in the PAUP* program, a feature-based parsimony (MP) method was used, and for assessing the reliability of the resulting trees, the non-parametric bootstrap method. The ITS MP search resulted in 10 000 trees (CI=0.49; RI=0.631). The aligned matrix resulted in 814 characters of which 433 were parsimony informative. The matK MP search resulted in 10 000 trees (CI=0.505; RI=0.714). The aligned matrix resulted in 1359 characters of which 358 were parsimony informative.
This dataset contains two image files with phylogenetic trees - the first one based on ITS analysis of 190 species and the second one based on the matK analysis of 154 species. The upper numbers above branches are the Fitch values and lower numbers are the bootstrap values. The information about geographical distribution is added. The dataset includes also two NEXUS files (for ITS and for matK) with DNA sequences.

Dataset file
where a single part of the file is 512 MB in size.Example script for calculation:
File details
- License:
Restricted accessSend me a note why you want access
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- Year of publication:
- 2020
- Verification date:
- 2021-01-04
- Creation date:
- 2009
- Dataset language:
- Polish
- DOI:
- DOI ID 10.34808/e3k4-kc04 open in new tab
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
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Version this document has several versions
version 1.3release date 2021-03-05
version 1.2release date 2021-01-04
version 1.1release date 2021-01-04
Current versionversion 1.0release date 2021-01-04
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