The magnetic field measurements in selected places of the industrial building - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


The magnetic field measurements in selected places of the industrial building


The dataset is part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the electromagnetic field intensity in a building of an operating industrial plant. Detailed results of magnetic field measurements, carried out in selected places of this building, are presented.

As a result of preliminary measurements, areas of the strong magnetic field intensities were identified. The purpose of in-depth research was to observe the magnetic field variability occurring at selected measuring points, in the close surroundings to electric hardening furnaces. The measurements confirmed the high dynamics of long-term changes in magnetic field strength, which strongly depends on devices operating nearby.

Magnetic field measurements were carried out during the production shift with the use of the ESM-100 H/E field meter of Maschek. This isotropic meter of the electromagnetic field enables measurements of the magnetic field component within the range from 5 Hz to 400 kHz in four successive measurement subranges: from 5 Hz to 400 kHz (-3dB limit), at the frequency 50 Hz (for 12 dB of the band-pass filter), in the band from 5 Hz to 2 kHz and from 2 kHz to 400 kHz. In each measurement subrange, the meter provides the measurements of magnetic induction in the measuring ranges from 1 nT to 20 mT. The values of the H (magnetic) field are displayed simultaneously in three-dimensional directions x, y, z. All measurements were carried out on the height of 0.8 ±0.1 m from the surface floor. The ESM-100 H/E field meter was controlled by a personal computer using MASCHEK Graph ESM-100 Documentation Software, connected to the meter with the fiber optic cable (Figure on the left). Measurement data was recorded every 5 seconds during the observation, which lasted several minutes. The sketch of the ground floor of the building with the numbering of the rooms and measurement points is shown in Figure on the right.

Illustration of the publication
Illustration of the publication

The block diagram of the measuring system

The sketch of the ground floor of the building
with the numbering of the rooms
and measurement points

Dataset file
342.2 kB, S3 ETag 0015f56bec656d150989012e991f394b-1, downloads: 67
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File details

Creative Commons: by 4.0 open in new tab
Raw data:
Data contained in dataset was not processed.


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Fields of science:
  • Automation, electronic and electrical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
DOI ID 10.34808/1nqp-j041 open in new tab
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology



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