dr hab. inż. Paweł Śliwiński
- Associate professor at Institute of Mechanics and Machine Design
- Head of Hydraulics and Pneumatics Team at Gdańsk University of Technology
Research fields
ELANORE Improvement of the EU tyre labelling system for noise and rolling resistance
Project realized in Department of Machine Design and Vehicles according to NOR/POLNOR/ELANORE/0001/2019-00 agreement from 2020-09-10
Project manager
LIDER New study of hydraulic satellite machines for drives with bioliquids and non-flammable liquids
Project realized in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering according to LIDER/35/102/L-2/10/NCBiR/2011 agreement from 2011-08-24
Project manager
ABET Accreditation ABET Accreditation
Project realized in Faculty Office, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering according to MNISW/2018/155/DIR/AZ agreement
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