dr inż. Paweł Szymański
- Assistant professor at Institute of Energy
total: 19
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Beeswax And Palmitic Acid Utilization With Heat Pipes For Electronics Cooling
PublicationThis paper presents an experimental study of heat pipes supported by phase change materials (PCMs) coated at their adiabatic sections in application for electronics cooling. The PCMs investigated in this research were palmitic acid and beeswax, the latter being considered as a more cost-effective alternative. The study focused on three powers: 20W, 25W, and 30W. The experimental results revealed that the incorporation of palmitic...
Experimental investigation on heat pipes supported by soy wax and lauric acid for electronics cooling
PublicationThis paper presents an experimental study of heat pipes for electronics cooling that were supported by energy storage materials (i.e. phase change materials - PCMs) coated at the adiabatic section. The PCMs utilized included two materials, namely lauric acid and soy wax, the latter being considered as a more cost-effective alternative. The study focused on three different powers: 20 W, 25 W, and 30 W. Both heating, cooling, and...
Year 2023
The In-House Method of Manufacturing a Low-Cost Heat Pipe with Specified Thermophysical Properties and Geometry
PublicationVarious types of heat pipes are available to purchase off the shelf, from various manufacturers, but most of them have strictly defined geometry and technical parameters. However, when there is a need to use a heat pipe (HP) with an unusual size and shape or working conditions other than the standard ones, it becomes very costly to order them from manufacturers, especially in small quantities, and only a few producers are willing...
Year 2022
Additive Manufacturing as a Solution to Challenges Associated with Heat Pipe Production
PublicationThe aim of this review is to present the recent developments in heat pipe production, which respond to the current technical problems related to the wide implementation of this technology. A novel approach in HP manufacturing is to utilise hi-tech additive manufacturing techniques where the most complicated geometries are fabricated layer-by-layer directly from a digital file. This technology might be a solution to various challenges...
Challenges in operating and testing loop heat pipes in 500–700 K temperature ranges
PublicationThe potential applications of loop heat pipes (LHPs) are the nuclear power space systems, fuel cell thermal management systems, waste heat recovery systems, medium temperature electronic systems, medium temperature military systems, among others. Such applications usually operate in temperature ranges between 500–700 K, hence it is necessary to develop an LHP system that will meet this requirement. Such a thermal management device...
Current Trends in Wick Structure Construction in Loop Heat Pipes Applications: A Review
PublicationThermal control systems have been introduced as an important part of electronic devices, enabling thermal management of their electronic components. Loop heat pipe (LHP) is a passive two-phase heat transfer device with significant potential for numerous applications, such as aerospace applications, high-power LEDs, and solar central receivers. Its advantages are high heat transfer capability, low thermal resistance, long-distance...
Year 2021
Recent Advances in Loop Heat Pipes with Flat Evaporator
PublicationThe focus of this review is to present the current advances in Loop Heat Pipes (LHP) with flat evaporators, which address the current challenges to the wide implementation of the technology. A recent advance in LHP is the design of flat-shaped evaporators, which is better suited to the geometry of discretely mounted electronics components (microprocessors) and therefore negate the need for an additional transfer surface (saddle)...
The Influence of Loop Heat Pipe Evaporator Porous Structure Parameters and Charge on Its Effectiveness for Ethanol and Water as Working Fluids
PublicationAbstract: This paper presents the results of experiments carried out on a specially designed experimental rig designed for the study of capillary pressure generated in the Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) evaporator. The commercially available porous structure made of sintered stainless steel constitutes the wick. Three different geometries of the porous wicks were tested, featuring the pore radius of 1, 3 and 7 um. Ethanol and water as two...
Year 2017
Capillary pumped loop as a tool for collecting large heat fluxes from electronic devices on warships
PublicationThe combat potential of future warships will be directly related to the use of modern electronic devices being parts of advanced systems, such as, for instance, radar systems, fire aiming systems, fire detection systems, electric drive systems, and even electronic and radio-electronic weaponry, railguns and lasers, installed on these warships. The capacity and functionality of these devices is continually increasing, at decreasing...
Experimental study of pressure rise at the evaporator of capillary pumped loop with acetone and water as working fluids
PublicationIn this work studied is the possibility of fluid pumping using capillary forces in the capillary pumped loop. Experimental and theoretical studies have been performed to understand the phenomena associated with heat transfer in porous structure of the evaporator. The capillary effect was studied during operation of two different capillary porous structures with two different working fluids, namely water and acetone. The results...
Year 2015
PublicationThermal management of electronics semiconductor technologies that are located i.e. in a novel marine power plants or computer server rooms become very important issue for designers of such systems. Motivation and need for research in development of novel cooling strategies for modern electronics is of paramount importance. Heat exchangers filled by the porous material are a novel research topic in current heat pipe science. The...
Year 2014
Badania eksperymentalne obiegu z pompowaniem kapilarnym
PublicationWyniki badań eksperymentalnych obiegu z pompowaniem kapilarnym
Badania wpływu efektu kapilarnego na wydajność parownika obiegowej rurki ciepła
PublicationBadania wpływu efektu kapilarnego na wydajność parownika obiegowej rurki ciepła
Publicationplants or computer server rooms has led to the demand for new and reliable methods for electronic cooling. Because of bigger and bigger power levels and miniaturization of the electronic devices, lack of free space in such a high heat flux. The increasing integration of electronic logy that supposed to be designed for high thermal performance, low mass, and able to work in harsh environments. In this paper presented a prototype...
Year 2013
"Badania wpływu termo cyrkulacji acetonu w termosyfonowym wymienniku ciepła"
PublicationReferat przedstawia wyniki badań wstępnych termosyfonowego wymiennika ciepła, w którym czynnikiem roboczym jest aceton. Celem badań jest określenie spadków ciśnień w instalacji oraz wy-znaczenie wpływu dostarczonego ciepła do parownika na różnicę ciśnień przed i za parownikiem. Badania zostały przeprowadzone dla różnego różnych parametrów chłodzenia skraplacza w termo-sygfonie.
Year 2012
Obiegowa rurka ciepła, jako urządzenie do odzysku ciepła
Year 2011
Rurka ciepła z pętlą obiegową jako urządzenie do odzysku ciepła
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości odzysku ciepła za pomocą rurki ciepła z pętlą obiegową (ang. loop heat pipe)
The new concept of capillary forces driven evaporator with application to waste heat recovery
PublicationW pracy omówiono koncepcję zastosowania rurki ciepła w nowoczesnej konstrukcji parownika wspomagającego za pomocą sił kapilarnych pompę obiegu termodynamicznego czynnika. Rozwiązanie takie może znaleźć zastosowanie w domowej mikrosiłowni CHP
Year 2010
The new concept of capillary forces aided evaporator for application in domestic organic rankine cycle
PublicationThis paper presents studies on the possibility of applying capillary forces induced in the porous structure to a modern design of evaporator. The potential application of such heat exchanger is for example an evaporator of the domestic micro combined heat and power (CHP) unit. One of the problems in the micro-CHP is excessive demand for pumping power. The proposed design helps in overcoming that issue. In the evaporator outlined...
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