Catalog People
Lastnames starting with: T clear
total: 342
Catalog People
Kamil Trzebiatowski mgr inż.
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Maciej Tyszka
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Karolina Tura-Gawron dr
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Małgorzata Tokłowicz
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Michał Trojanowski mgr inż.
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Bartosz Gabriel Trzeciak
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Michał Tarkowski mgr inż.
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Antoni Taraszkiewicz mgr inż.
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Karolina Taraszkiewicz mgr inż. arch.
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Yurii Tsybrii dr inż.
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Bartosz Tarakan
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Agata Terebieniec mgr inż.
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Mateusz Tobiszewski dr inż.
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Jan Tuziemski dr inż.
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Artur Tyliszczak profesor
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Mateusz Tański
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Alan Turower dr inż.
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Alicja Toboła-Rynkiewicz mgr
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Jolanta Tarasiuk dr hab. inż.
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Łukasz Tłustochowicz mgr inż.
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Agnieszka Tracz-Sagajdakow dr inż.
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Janusz Tkaczuk dr hab. sztuki
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Katarzyna Tarasewicz mgr
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Mateusz Troka mgr inż.
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Simone Taioli dr
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Waldemar Tlaga dr inż.
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Natalia Tańska mgr inż.
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Sławomir Telega mgr inż.
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Jan Turo dr hab.
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Tomasz Turzyński
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Mohammad Tghi Taghi Tourchi Moghadam Dr
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Tomasz Talaśka dr hab. inż.
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Karol Tyszkowski
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Malwina Treder dr
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Krzysztof Tarakan
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Jerzy Tlaga
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Wojciech Trawiński mgr inż.
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Ewa Trybulska
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Katarzyna Tessmer mgr inż.
PeopleEducation 2012: B.Sc. in Financial Mathematics from the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Gdansk University of Technology (2008 – 2012: Bachelor of Science Engineering Studies. Field of study: Mathematics. Specialization: Financial Mathematics.) 2014: M.Sc. in Financial Mathematics from the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Gdansk University of Technology (2012 – 2014: Master of Science Engineering Studies....
Jurij Taranenko
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Alicja Trocka
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Maciej Jerzy Trzeciak mgr inż.
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Karol Tucki
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Hanna Tyszkiewicz
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Irmina Tomaszewska mgr inż.
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Krzysztof Turek
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Dominika Tomaszewska
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Ryszard Trykosko
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Dariusz Trawicki dr inż.
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Anna Maria Trzaskowska dr inż.
PeopleAnna Maria Trzaskowska has been employed as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Department of Informatics in Management since 2017. For over 2 years she was the Deputy Head of the Department. A member of the Board of the Pomeranian Branch of the Polish Information Processing Society. Current scientific interests fall within the areas of agile methods, lean management in higher education, digitization...