Study of airborne wear particle emissions from airplane brakes in order to increase the environmental friendliness of aircrafts
The airborne wear particles emission from brake sliding contact is the second main source of the environmental pollution after fuel combustion, and it is about 25% of the total amount of the emitted particulate matter related to transport vehicles. These particles contain toxic substances, which may penetrate into the human body and it may result in various diseases. The problem is studied only for vehicles and trains, excluding such an important type of transport as aircraft which is growing in number significantly every year, especially among light and medium classes. Taking into account the appearance and development of the new types of electro-hybrid and electro-battery airplanes in long perspective, the main source of environmental pollution produced by airplanes could be most probably airborne wear particles emission from brake sliding contact during the landing. The main purpose of the project is to develop a new methodology for assessing airborne wear particle emission from sliding contact of an airplane brake with account of airplane brake types. The idea of the project is based on applying a new experimental setup for airborne wear particle measurements with high-efficient sampling that provides sliding velocity and contact pressure corresponding to real values in the airplane brake. The geometrical optimization of the pin-on-disc and disc-on-disc friction couple will be conducted to reproduce ranges of sliding velocities and contact pressures in airplane brakes. Reliable measurement of airborne wear particles emission from airplane brake will be performed with the help of the developed experimental measuring set up that provides high-efficient sampling of airborne wear particles emitted from pin-on-disc contact. A new sub-scale test procedure and methodology for assessing the level of airborne wear particle emission from airplane brake will be developed. The results of the project will lead to developing the methodology for systematic evaluation of airborne wear particle emission from airplane brakes. The methodology will contribute to the solution of the tribological and ecological problems, e.g.: predicting the wear of aviation brake materials and environmental pollution related to airplane braking; identification of the correlation between airborne wear particle emission characteristics and friction conditions; design of new eco-friendly materials and brake systems for aviation.
- Financial Program Name:
- Organization:
- Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) (National Science Centre)
- Agreement:
- UMO-2023/51/D/ST8/01635 z dnia 2024-06-25
- Realisation period:
- unknown - unknown
- Project manager:
- dr inż. Yurii Tsybrii
- Realised in:
- Zakład Mechaniki Stosowanej i Biomechaniki
- Request type:
- National Research Programmes
- Domestic:
- Domestic project
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
seen 44 times