South Baltic E-Mobility as a Service - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


South Baltic E-Mobility as a Service

In leading countries Norway, Iceland, and Sweden 5-10% of car fleets and <1% of bus and truck fleets are electric, but the growth is starting to take off. To transform 100% of cars, buses, and trucks many new service concepts and technologies need to be developed and power production and distribution, and charging infrastructure need to expand significantly. Many of the systems that exist and that will be important for the change are small and confined to one country and companies need to develop viable and competitive system concepts based on their existing components of digital services, vehicles, and technologies and find customers willing to test the systems in pilot installations. Systems need to grow and facilitate cross-border travel in the region, something that is not easy at present. Many concepts and system solutions that need to be applied on a large scale do not exist at present, or they exist in newly developed and rudimentary versions that need to be further developed, spread internationally, and adapted to the circumstances in different markets. Public organizations need to get information about offerings, consider how they can be applied in their cities, and develop pilot installations of systems in collaboration with companies that collaborate around system development and implementation. Companies need to meet customers, find development and installation partners in new markets, and make pilot system installations, of a cross-border nature, that can be used as springboards for international growth. These systems and installations need to be developed through cross-border collaboration and neither the small companies that have to be involved, nor the public organizations that need to facilitate the application of the technologies in pilot installations of systems have the financing to fully promote this from their own budgets. To work in countries with different circumstances, input needs to be received from potential customers in many markets and offerings need to be adapted based on the feed-back. Seed funding will be needed to take the first steps and funding of full-scale projects for cross-border development and pilot cross-border installations in several countries will be needed to drive the required development forward. For Gdańsk University of Technology getting Seed Money can help to get regular project and being scientifi lider of e-mobility development. in North Poland.


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
Europejska Współpraca Terytorialna i Europejski Instrument Sąsiedztwa
Wspólny Sekretariat Techniczny Programu Południowy Bałtyk
Realisation period:
unknown - unknown
Research team leader:
dr inż. Andrzej Rogala
Realised in:
Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology
External institutions
participating in project:
  • DTU Elektro - Technical Univerity of Denmark - Electrical Engineering (Denmark)
  • Industrial Development Centre South (Sweden)
Request type:
European Founds
Domestic project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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