European Digital Education in Road Infrastructure Management - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


European Digital Education in Road Infrastructure Management

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of education and training institutions to provide high-quality digital education. Our proposal for the implementation of the project involves the development of tools enabling didactic classes and trainings, for teaching and training materials in the field of road infrastructure management, with particular emphasis on infrastructure safety, conducted and evaluated exclusively online. The project provides for the construction of tools for every form of didactic classes: lectures, projects, practicals, laboratories, verification of the students and participants progress, acquired knowledge and skills. In addition, tools will be built to provide training courses for those involved in road infrastructure management. The following activities are planned under the project: WP1 - analysis of the functionality and suitability of available platforms and applications for the implementation of the online didactic process and the selection of tools that meet the requirements for the realisation of the goal of our project. Identification of problems and needs for changes in teaching of engineering studies based on conducted surveys at universities in Europe WP2 – innovative tools for the transfer of high-level online knowledge, with a particular focus on digital practical classes necessary for engineering profession, i.e. field, design and laboratory classes. WP3 – implementation of developed tools for the development of teaching and training materials on road infrastructure safety management, in particular taking into account the road environment, vulnerable road users and road surfaces. WP4 - testing the developed didactic methods, their evaluation and necessary changes in order to produce the final version of the tools for the conducting of classes for students of technical universities and practitioners. The project will result in increase in competence of the teaching and training staff in the use of innovative digital techniques in the teaching process, enabling online practical classes and extending the range with road infrastructure management courses for practitioners and managers. In the event of the epidemic emergency, the implementation of these tools will allow teaching institutions to provide a high level of online teaching, evaluation of progress, while ensuring accepted teaching standards.


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
Komisja Europejska
z dnia 2021-04-01
Realisation period:
2021-03-01 - 2023-02-28
Project manager:
dr inż. Wojciech Kustra
Realised in:
Department of Transportation Engineering
External institutions
participating in project:
  • University of Gyor (Hungary)
  • Leader Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Austria)
  • University of Catania (Italy)
  • University of Žilina (Slovakia)
  • Politechnika Krakowska (Poland)
Project's value:
227 753.00 EUR
Request type:
International Educational Programs
International project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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