The Horizontal Contact Point for the EU Framework Program Horizon Europe will support the beneficiaries and applicants of the Horizon Europe program for 2022-2027 in the North Macroregion, covering the region of northern Poland: Pomorskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie. The activities of HPK include in particular: information and consulting activities in various forms, organization of trainings and workshops, consultations for entities preparing project applications, consultations for entities implementing projects, issuing opinions on indicated documents regarding the Horizon Europe program. The implementation of HPK tasks by the Gdańsk University of Technology emphasizes the leading role of GUT as a research university in the region, and will also provide GUT researchers with close and direct support from EU Framework Program experts.
- Project's acronym:
- Financial Program Name:
- Organization:
- Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (NCBR) (The National Centre for Research and Development)
- Agreement:
- 5/HPK/2022 z dnia 2022-02-15
- Realisation period:
- 2022-01-01 - 2027-12-31
- Project manager:
- mgr Renata Downar-Zapolska
- Team members:
- The EU Framework Programme Horizon Europe expert dr inż. Aleksandra Dubiella-Jackowska
- The EU Framework Programme Horizon Europe expert dr inż. Magdalena Urbanowicz
- The EU Framework Programme Horizon Europe expert mgr inż. Edyta Fila-Lepper
- The EU Framework Programme Horizon Europe expert mgr Katarzyna Machulska
- Communication and information mgr Anna Wnuk
- Realised in:
- Vice-Rector for Research
- External institutions
participating in project: -
- Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie (Poland)
- Project's value:
- 6 000 000.00 PLN
- Request type:
- Different
- Domestic:
- Domestic project
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
seen 247 times