Innovations in 3D gel dosimetry for proton radiotherapy of cancer - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Innovations in 3D gel dosimetry for proton radiotherapy of cancer

Precision of ionizing radiation dosage in cancer radiotherapy is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of treatment. Dosing takes place in three-dimensional space, and the dose gradients in the medium are high enough that it is necessary to know the spatial distribution of the dose with millimeter resolution in three dimensions. This is especially important for proton radiotherapy with the characteristic steep outer edge of the Bragg peak. Among the many different dosimetric methods used in radiotherapy clinics, the closest to these requirements is gel dosimetry with a radiochromic response, i.e. one in which a certain measurable optical effect is a measure of the dose. The highest precision can be achieved by measuring the spatial distribution of the light attenuation factor by means of transmission laser tomography. It is a relatively new dosimetry method which has room for numerous innovative improvements, most promising due to the highly probable commercial success of medical devices based on this method. The project will analyze factors influencing the clinical usefulness of tomographic laser scanners and gel dosimeters, as well as possible innovative strategies of clinically significant improvements: a) random error ("noise") factors in the signal processing from the photodetector will be analyzed; b) sources of noise and artifacts in the tomographic image reconstruction; sources of artifacts related to c) the angle of the dosimeter rotation axis in relation to the scan plane, d) the angular velocity profile of the laser beam, e) reflection of light from the optical elements to the resonance cavity of the laser, f) adjustment of the refractive index between the dosimetric gel, its container and the aquarium filling liquid, g) precision of the mechanical coupling of the dosimeter container with the motor rotating it in the aquarium, h) the presence of dust particles in the gel dosimeter, i) light refraction associated with radiation induced polymerization, j) instability of the radiochromic response of gels containing dyes. The project will be carried out at the Faculty of FTiMS PG (Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Department of Multidimensional Ionizing Radiation Detectors) under the supervision of prof. Marek Maryański in cooperation with the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków, including the Bronowice Cyclotron Center, the only proton radiotherapy center in Poland.


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje
Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki
UMOWA Nr SKN/SP/535558/2022 z dnia 2022-04-14
Realisation period:
2022-04-14 - 2023-04-13
Project manager:
dr Brygida Mielewska
Realised in:
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics
Project's value:
69 625.00 PLN
Request type:
National Research Programmes
Domestic project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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