Newcomers@Work: Strengthening the Employability of Young Refugee and Migrant NEETs - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Newcomers@Work: Strengthening the Employability of Young Refugee and Migrant NEETs

EU-wide, 21% of the age group 15- 34 years old have a migrant background (25.5 million). According to the OECD Report, the share of young people with a migrant background has increased by 4 percentage points over the last decade. The full integration of young adults with a migrant background in European societies heavily depends on their integration in the labor market. According to the EU “finding a job and being included in the society is crucial to their successful integration”. Employment is a core part of the integration process. Finding a job is fundamental to becoming part of the host country’s economic and social life, ensuring access to decent accommodation and living conditions as well as economic inclusion The proposed project aims to achieve the following objectives, regarding the group of young adults aged 18- 34 years old with a migrant background: 1)their early activation to ensure their swift integration into education, apprenticeships, traineeships or the labour market 2) their upskilling through educational and training opportunities accustomed to their needs with a strong work-based learning dimension 3)their preparation to enter the labor market of the participating countries through the provision of individualized support services 3)their full integration in the host societies as productive, equal and active citizens. The project aims also to provide tools and methodologies to support the profiling of skills for young people with a migrant background. Moreover, it aims at the “fast track” insertion of these people into the labor market. Finally, the project aims to counteract to the basic challenges young people with a migrant background usually face while trying to access the labor market: the lack of awareness among employers, lack of information about vocational training and job opportunities and the lack of choice for the training they want to participate and the jobs they would like to practice


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji
Realisation period:
2022-11-01 - 2025-10-31
Project manager:
dr hab. Łukasz Sienkiewicz
Team members:
Realised in:
Department of Entrepreneurship
External institutions
participating in project:
  • SIDEC (Luxembourg)
  • PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l (Italy)
  • BUCOVINA (Romania)
  • Athens Lifelong Learning Institute (Greece)
  • Foundation for the Development of International and Educational Activity – FRAME (Poland)
  • Amadora Inovation E.M. Unipessoal Lda (Portugal)
Project's value:
400 000.00 EUR
Request type:
International Educational Programs
International project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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