Baltic sea region Active mobiliTy Solutions - in darkness and all weather conditions - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Baltic sea region Active mobiliTy Solutions - in darkness and all weather conditions

BATS supports cities in implementing measures that effectively improve conditions for year-round active mobility (walking and cycling in adverse light and weather conditions). In the BSR with dark winters and evenings, snow and rain, mobile activity decreases. To increase year-round active mobility (YRAM), the right infrastructure and equipment must be in place and the public should see it as an attractive and safe option. Public authorities responsible for mobility planning need more awareness, technical knowledge and tools to improve conditions for YRAM. Adopting a comprehensive approach to year-round active mobility is something new. BATS is developing, testing and disseminating a year-round active mobility capacity building toolkit for use by public authorities. It includes three components: a YRAM diagnostic tool that helps identify the determinants of YRAM, a YRAM solution manual that offers technical recommendations for local interventions, and a YRAM data guide that supports the use of mobility data to monitor progress towards increasing YRAM. The fourth component of the solution is the YRAM implementation guide, which demonstrates new ways of working. The aim of the project is to make theoretical and technical knowledge available to planners in municipalities through a toolkit. The project partners - the cities of Hamburg, Lahti, Umea, Gdynia, Kalundborg, Klaipeda and the municipalities of Harju County (representing the 16 municipalities of the Tallinn Metropolitan Region) represent the different perspectives (administrative levels and operational responsibilities) of local and regional public authorities. The geographic distribution in the BSR provides a diversity of weather and daylight conditions suitable for testing different measures and strengthening the transnational implementation capacity of the Toolkit to be developed within the project. The three universities (Aalto University, Tallinn University of Technology and the Gdansk University of Technology) will be involved in research including the development of the YRAM methodology and toolkit and its testing. In addition, the Gdansk University of Technology will support the City of Gdynia in the implementation and evaluation of pilot projects (stimulating active mobility through dynamic traffic control with priority given to pedestrians and cyclists and the development of micro hubs with cargo bikes for children).


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
European Territorial Cooperation 2021-2027
Joint Secretariat Rostock Interreg Baltic Sea Region
#C053 BATS z dnia 2023-10-16
Realisation period:
unknown - unknown
Research team leader:
dr hab. inż. Jacek Oskarbski
Team members:
Realised in:
Department of Transportation Engineering
External institutions
participating in project:
  • Tallinn University of Technology – TalTech (Estonia)
  • Gate21 (Denmark)
  • Aalto University (Finland)
  • Umea (Sweden)
  • City of Gdynia (Poland)
  • City of Lahti (Finland)
  • Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg- Borough of Altona (Germany)
Project's value:
3 520 368.54 EUR
Request type:
European Founds
Domestic project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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