Study 5.0. Curriculum for core national industries - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Study 5.0. Curriculum for core national industries

Gdansk University of Technology strives to improve the quality of education in the context of the labor market and the future research univ. workforce. The modification of educational offers will respond to the current needs of the economy and the requirements of the changing socio-economic environment, including the vision of the future of European industry defined by the European Commission as "Industry 5.0,". A vision that calls for, among other things, human-centricity, including education, training, upskilling as among the most pressing issues to adapt to the digital transformation, sustainability, and resilience (resilient), including, among other things, carrying out reforms and investing in green, digital priorities (Industry 5.0. Towards a sustainable, human-centered and resilient European industry, 2021).

Gdańsk University of Technology is implementing a project entitled "Studies 5.0. Study programs for key sectors of the domestic industry", the aim of which is to increase the adaptation of the educational offer to the needs of economic development and green and digital transformation.
The project is addressed to 177 students of modified fields of study covered by the project support and 66 academic teachers involved in the modification of the above-mentioned fields of study.
This goal will be achieved by implementing a package of 6 tasks in the period until October 2026.

The following activities are planned to be implemented as part of these tasks:

modification of second-cycle education fields in the aviation and space industry, renewable energy, transport sectors, together with activities aimed at students of these fields of study improving their competences, including: internships, study visits, training and courses, remedial classes, a course improving digital competences;
development of competences of staff involved in the implementation of the education process in modified fields of study at Gdańsk University of Technology.

As a result of the above activities, 191 project participants, including students and staff representatives, will acquire or improve their competences or qualifications.

Total amount of eligible Project expenses: PLN 6,984,910.55.
Amount of funding from European funds: PLN 6,773,495.55.

Link to the project website, containing in particular the support schedule:


#FunduszeUE   #FunduszeEuropejskie 

Illustration of the publication


Project's acronym:
Studia 5.0.
Financial Program Name:
European Funds for Social Development
Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (NCBR) (The National Centre for Research and Development)
FERS.01.05-IP.08-0027/23-00 z dnia 2024-01-11
Realisation period:
2024-01-01 - 2026-10-31
Project manager:
dr hab. inż. Mariusz Kaczmarek
Team members:
Realised in:
Vice-Rector for Education
Request type:
European Founds
Domestic project
Verified by:
No verification

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