dr hab. inż. Przemysław Krata
e-Learning courses
Projektowanie okrętów I - profil MSiJ
Kurs w ramach zajęć projektowych z przedmiotu Projektowanie Okrętów I
Projektowanie okrętów I (O:098220)
Projektowanie i konstrukcja jachtów
Wykład dotyczy teorii projektowania i konstruowania jachtów.
Wybrane zagadnienia projektowania okrętu 2022/2023
Główne parametry projektowe okrętu nomenklatura i określenia definiujące; Spirala projektowa; Klasyczne zagadnienia wstępnego projektowania parametrycznego; Zagadnienie wyznaczania wartości parametrów projektowych układu napędowego okrętu: Metodyka Naval Architecture Approach; Metodyka Marine Engineering Approach; Podstawy pływalności statku. Podstawy stateczności statku w stanie nieuszkodzonym. Miary stateczności wykorzystywane...
Środki transportu wodnego TiL II stopień
Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z eksloatowanymi współcześnie środkami transportu wodnego, ich głównymi cechami, przeznaczeniem i ograniczeniami. W szczególności nacisk położony jest na elementy znacząco wpływające na realizację zadań transportowych.
Teoria Okrętu II - hydrostatyka, stateczność zima 2022/2023
Teoria jachtu - hydrostatyka, stateczność, zima 2022/2023
Teoria Okrętu II - hydrostatyka, stateczność
Podstawy hydrostatyki i stateczności statków.
Seminarium dyplomowe - Inteligentne Systemy Transportowe (WIMiO), II stopnia, stacjonarne
Zasady pisania prac dyplomowych. Wykorzystanie schematu IMRAD. Zasady korzystanai z materiałów źródłowych i cytowania. Przygotowanie prezentacji pracy dyplomowej.
Podstawy hydrostatyki okrętu (jachtu) - sem letni 2023/2024
Infrastruktura i eksploatacja portów - seminarium
Środki transportu wodnego 2024/2025 sem. zimowy
Praca projektowa II
Opór i stateczność jachtu
Część 1 – Stateczność statku 18 godz. Stateczność poprzeczna początkowa. Pojęcie wysokości metacentrycznej. Wyznaczanie małego kąta przechyłu statycznego. Stateczność wzdłużna. Pojęcie jednostkowego momentu przegłębiającego. Wyznaczanie przegłębienia statku/jachtu. Obliczanie zanurzeń teoretycznych (na pionach). Stateczność poprzeczna przy dużych kątach przechyłu. Wyznaczanie dużego kąta przechyłu statycznego. Stateczność dynamiczna....
Teoria Okrętu II - hydrostatyka, stateczność lato 2022/2023
Teoria jachtu semestr zimowy 2023/2024
Opór i stateczność okrętu
Stateczność statku Opór i pędniki
Projektowanie obiektów oceanotechnicznych
Seminarium dyplomowe TiL 2024/2025
Seminarium dyplomowe - studia I stopnia, TiL
Teoria Okrętu II 2023/2024
Podstawy hydrostatyki okrętu - sem. letni 2023/2024
Wykonywanie obliczeń hydrostatycznych. Tworzenie skali Bonjeana. Tworzenie krzywych hydrostatycznych.
Safety and risk in transportation systems - summer semester 2023/2024
Podstawy teorii bezpieczeństwa i ryzyka w kontekście aplikacji w systemach transportowych.
Podstawy hydrostatyki okrętu - PiBJ
Podstawy hydrostatyki jachtów. Tworzenie krzywych hydrostatycznych.
Seminarium dyplomowe mgr TiL
Seminarium dyplomowe
Teoria Okrętu II sem. letni 2023/2024
Podstawy hydrostatyki okrętu - OiKM
Podstawy hydrostatyki - OiKM
Conducted classes
Diploma seminar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Water Transport
Diploma seminar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Intelligent Transport Systems
MSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
MSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Resistance and Stability of Yacht
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Ship Resistance and Stability
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Fundamentals of the Ship Hydrostatics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Water Transport
Principles of waterborne vehicles
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Water Transport
MSc Thesis
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
MSc Thesis
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Design and Construction of Offshore Power Systems
Contemporary topics in ship theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Fundamentals of the Ship Hydrostatics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Intelligent Transport Systems
Ship Resistance and Stability
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Resistance and Stability of Yacht
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Contemporary Topics in Ship Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Ship Theory 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Means of waterborne transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Advanced Topics in Ship Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Teoria okrętu
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Advanced Topics in Ship Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Water Transport
BSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Logistics Management in Transport
Fundamentals of the Ship Hydrostatics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Fundamentals of the Ship Hydrostatics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Safety and risk in transportation systems
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Design of ocean engineering facilities
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Statki morskie, obiekty oceanotechniczne i jachty
Yacht Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Teoria okrętu
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Ship Theory 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Hydrometeorologiczne uwarunkowania żeglugi
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Water Transport
Engineering Design - group project I
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Designing 3
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Yacht Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Means of waterborne transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Ship Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Ship Theory 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Theory 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Theory 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Selected issues of Ship Designing
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Reviewed papers list
Excessive Acceleration failure mode within the Second Generation Intact Stability Criteria
MSc Gennaro Rosano - University of Naples Federico II, Italy - 2023
On the Dynamic Stability of a Vessel during Lifting Operation at Sea
MSc Yaru Yu - University of Tasmania, Australia - 2022
Surf-riding/broaching Assessment within Second Generation Intact Stability Criteria
mgr Barbara Rinauro - UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES FEDERICO II - 2020
Investigation into Ship Roll Hydrodynamic Coefficients using Motion Simulations
mgr. Seyedsadreddin Kianejadtejenaki - University of Tasmania, Australian Maritime College - 2019
seen 2512 times