Activities of the Astro-geodetic Observatory in Jozefoslaw in the frame of IGS and EUREF - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Activities of the Astro-geodetic Observatory in Jozefoslaw in the frame of IGS and EUREF


The Astrogeodetic Observatory of the Institute of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in Jozefoslaw was incorporated in 1957. In 1991 it joined the International GPS Service (IGS) and started to operate as a permanent in 1993. Since then the following permanent services have been maintained: GPS observations using Trimble and Turbo Rogue receivers, tidal gravimetric observations with LaCoste&Romberg model D gravimeter and meteorological observations. Since 1995 WUT Local Analysis Centre, one of the 11 Local Analysis Centres acting in Europe, has started the systematic day-to-day processing of a selected number of European sites in the frame of the EUREF network. It also processes national and international GPS campaigns (CEGRN, EXTENDED SAGET etc.), models ionosphere and troposphere, computes tidal components and changes of the vertical according to astrometrical and gravimetric measurements. For the last 4 years the Centre has processed and analysed a lot of scientific enterprises carried out within the confines of the Central European Initiative (CEI). This paper presents the current state of the art of the Observatory's activities. It deals with the acting of it and participating of the WUT Local Analysis Centre in the international scientific projects.


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Authors (8)

  • Photo of prof. dr hab inż. Janusz Bogusz

    Janusz Bogusz prof. dr hab inż.

    • Politechnika Warszawska
  • Photo of prof. dr hab. inż. Mariusz Figurski

    Mariusz Figurski prof. dr hab. inż.

    • Politechnika Warszawska
  • Photo of  Michał Kruczyk

    Michał Kruczyk

    • Politechnika Warszawska
  • Photo of  Lech Kujawa

    Lech Kujawa

    • Politechnika Warszawska
  • Photo of  Wiesław Kurka

    Wiesław Kurka

    • Politechnika Warszawska
  • Photo of  Tomasz Liwosz

    Tomasz Liwosz

    • Politechnika Warszawska
  • Photo of  Magda Pfeil

    Magda Pfeil

    • Politechnika Warszawska
  • Photo of prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Rogowski

    Jerzy Rogowski prof. dr hab. inż.

    • Politechnika Warszawska

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artykuł w czasopiśmie wyróżnionym w JCR
Published in:
ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH no. 30, edition 2, pages 351 - 356,
ISSN: 0273-1177
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Bogusz, J., Figurski M., Kruczyk M., Kujawa L., Kurka W., Liwosz T., Pfeil M., Rogowski J.: Activities of the Astro-geodetic Observatory in Jozefoslaw in the frame of IGS and EUREF// ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH. -Vol. 30, iss. 2 (2002), s.351-356
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1016/s0273-1177(02)00306-x
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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