Analysis of Denoising Autoencoder Properties Through Misspelling Correction Task - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Analysis of Denoising Autoencoder Properties Through Misspelling Correction Task


The paper analyzes some properties of denoising autoencoders using the problem of misspellings correction as an exemplary task. We evaluate the capacity of the network in its classical feed-forward form. We also propose a modification to the output layer of the net, which we called multi-softmax. Experiments show that the model trained with this output layer outperforms traditional network both in learning time and accuracy. We test the influence of the noise introduced to training data on the learning speed and generalization quality. The proposed approach of evaluating various properties of autoencoders using misspellings correction task serves as an open framework for further experiments, e.g. incorporating other neural network topologies into an autoencoder setting.


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materiały konferencyjne indeksowane w Web of Science
Title of issue:
9th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI) strony 438 - 447
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Bibliographic description:
Draszawka K., Szymański J..: Analysis of Denoising Autoencoder Properties Through Misspelling Correction Task, W: 9th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI), 2017, ,.
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1007/978-3-319-67077-5_42
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