Analysis of the harmonic structure of the vowel /a/ taking into account the age and gender of the speaker - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Analysis of the harmonic structure of the vowel /a/ taking into account the age and gender of the speaker


Sound waves are disturbances propagating through an elastic medium that, upon reaching the ear, elicit auditory sensations. Sounds generated by the surroundings can be captured by a transducer (microphone), which transforms them into an electrical signal. The signal from the microphone is then transmitted to a computer, where software allows for the extraction and analysis of individual tones. This process enables the description of psychoacoustic characteristics of sound as perceived by the human ear, including pitch, loudness, and timbre. Specific sound signals can be transformed into a sound spectrum, facilitating the examination of voice harmonics, which are integer multiples of fundamental tone (lowest voice frequency). Harmonics possess various attributes, including intensity and frequency (loudness and pitch). This article provides an overview of the human
voice and related topics, along with insights from studying differences in psychoacoustic features of sound based on gender and age. The objective of the paper is to show harmonic structure of vowels and emphasizethe importance of studying the human voice. 

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