Analytical procedures for the determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive compounds, and de-icing compounds in airport runoff water samples - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Analytical procedures for the determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive compounds, and de-icing compounds in airport runoff water samples


The purpose of this study is to propose and evaluate new procedures for determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive and de-icing compounds in runoff water samples collected from the airports located in different regions and characterized by different levels of the activity expressed by the number of flights and the number of passengers (per year). The most difficult step in the analytical procedure used for the determination of PAHs, benzotriazoles and glycols is sample preparation stage, due to diverse matrix composition, the possibility of interference associated with the presence of components with similar physicochemical properties. In this study, five different versions of sample preparation using extraction techniques, such as: LLE and SPE, were tested. In all examined runoff water samples collected from the airports, the presence of PAH compounds and glycols was observed. In majority of the samples, BT compounds were determined. Runoff water samples collected from the areas of Polish and British international airports as well as local airports had similar qualitative composition, but quantitative composition of the analytes was very diverse. New and validated analytical methodologies ensure that the necessary information for assessing the negative impact of airport activities on the environment can be obtained.


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artykuł w czasopiśmie wyróżnionym w JCR
Published in:
TALANTA.The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry no. 117, pages 158 - 167,
ISSN: 0039-9140
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Sulej-Suchomska A., Polkowska Ż., Astel a., Namieśnik J.: Analytical procedures for the determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive compounds, and de-icing compounds in airport runoff water samples// TALANTA. -Vol. 117, (2013), s.158-167
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1016/j.talanta.2013.07.045
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

seen 148 times

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