Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Dual-Rotor Generator for a Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Dual-Rotor Generator for a Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine


Coaxial counter-rotating propellers have been widely applied in ships and helicopters for improving the propulsion efficiency and offsetting system reactive torques. Lately, the counter-rotating concept has been introduced into the wind turbine design. Distributed wind power generation systems often require a novel approach in generator design. In this paper, prototype development of axial-flux generator with a counter-rotating field and armature is presented. The design process was composed of three main steps: analytical calculation, FEM simulation and prototype experimental measurements. The key aspect in the prototype development was the mechanical construction of two rotating components of the generator. Sturdy construction was achieved using two points of contact between both rotors via the placement of the bearing between the inner and outer rotor. The experimental analysis of the prototype generator has been conducted in the laboratory at the dynamometer test stand equipped with a torque sensor. The general premise for the development of such a machine was an investigation into the possibility of developing a dual rotor wind turbine. The proposed solution had to meet certain criteria such as relatively simple construction of the generator and the direct coupling between the generator and the wind turbines. The simple construction and the lack of any gearbox would allow for such a system to be constructed relatively cheaply, which is a key aspect in further system development.


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artykuły w czasopismach
Published in:
ENERGIES no. 13,
ISSN: 1996-1073
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Kutt F., Blecharz K., Karkosiński D.: Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Dual-Rotor Generator for a Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine// ENERGIES -Vol. 13,iss. 11 (2020), s.2833-
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.3390/en13112833
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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