Catalog Publications
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Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Nano-adsorbent Modification by Deep Eutectic Solvents for Wastewater Treatment Applications
PublicationThe Greek “εύ” and “τήξις” term is the root of the “eutectic” word that refers to the low melting of mixture. Generally, an eutectic solvent depicts a mixture of components (at least one is in solid phase) that under particular ratios weak molecular interactions allow to obtain a mixture having melting point at a much lower temperature than that of each component (García-Álvarez 2019). Although A. P. Abbott et al. discovered the...
Nanotechnology meets radiobiology: Fullerenols and Metallofullerenols as nano-shields in radiotherapy
PublicationDespite significant advances in the development of radioprotective measures, the clinical application of radioprotectors and radiomitigators remains limited due to insufficient efficacy and high toxicity of most agents. Additionally, in oncological radiotherapy, these compounds may interfere with the therapeutic effectiveness. Recent progress in nanotechnology highlights fullerenols (FulOHs) and metallofullerenols (Me@FulOHs) as...
Net-zero policy and forward default risk in the energy sector:Evidence of corporate environmentalism using (a)symmetricmodels
PublicationThis study aims to examine the impact of the net-zero policy on forward default risk atthe firm level within the energy sector of the US, spanning over the period 2007–2021.The research employs Panel Vector Autoregression (PVAR) modeling, as well as linearand non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) models to investigate this rela-tionship. The findings suggest that the implementation of net-zero policy measures canhave...
Neutral pH, multioxidants Fenton oxidation of dimethyl sulfoxide and acetamidophenol as water pollutant models
PublicationOrganic water pollution is calling for advanced remediation methods such as the Fenton process, yet actual procedures involve transition metals at acidic pH, and generate only one oxidant, the hydroxyl radical. Here we used a solution of magnesium ions, bicarbonate ions, and hydrogen peroxide at pH 7.4 to generate reactive oxygen species for degrading dimethyl sulfoxide and acetamidophenol, as models of water pollutants. The performance...
New insights into structural, optical, electrical and thermoelectric behavior of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 single crystals
PublicationThe single crystals of lead-free Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 were grown using the Czochralski method. The energy gaps determined from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and optical measurements were approximately 2.92 eV. The current-voltage characteristics, depolarization current, dc (σdc) and ac (σac) electrical conductivity, and Seebeck coefficient of the crystals were investigated. The frequency/temperature-dependent electrical properties...
Noisy (Binary) Searching: Simple, Fast and Correct
PublicationThis work considers the problem of the noisy binary search in a sorted array. The noise is modeled by a parameter p that dictates that a comparison can be incorrect with probability p, independently of other queries. We state two types of upper bounds on the number of queries: the worst-case and expected query complexity scenarios. The bounds improve the ones known to date, i.e., our algorithms require fewer queries. Additionally,...
Novel usage of perinone polymer as solid contact in ion-selective electrodes
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Nowy algorytm: alfa max i beta min
Publication. In this paper we present an improved version of alpha max plus beta min algorithm. We have proposed a new algorithm for approximating the alpha max and beta min coefficients. This leads to less complex algorithm formulas. Hardware architecture of alpha max plus beta min algorithm is also presented and analyzed.
Numerical Simulation of Light to Heat Conversion by Plasmonic Nanoheaters
PublicationPlasmonic nanoparticles are widely recognized as photothermal conversion agents, i.e., nanotransducers or nanoheaters. Translation of these materials into practical applications requires quantitative analyses of their photothermal conversion efficiencies (η). However, the value of η obtained for different materials is dramatically influenced by the experimental setup and method of calculation. Here, we evaluate the most common...
Year 2024
Nadmiarowe zgony podczas pandemii COVID-19 w Polsce i ocena skuteczności szczepień
PublicationZ powodu pandemii COVID-19 zmarły miliony ludzi na całym świecie. Jak wynika z wielu badań, szczepienia przeciw chorobie wywołanej wirusem SARS-CoV-2 okazały się środ-kiem ograniczającym skalę zachorowań i liczbę zgonów. Celem badania omawianego w artyku-le jest pomiar skali pandemii w Polsce za pomocą liczby nadmiarowych zgonów w podregio-nach według klasyfikacji NUTS 3 i w grupach wieku, a następnie określenie zależności pomiędzy...
Nadzór i monitorowanie dostępności ZIntegrowanych Węzłów Przesiadkowych
PublicationAudyt dostępności dla planowanych, projektowanych i istniejących węzłów przesiadkowych musi być przeprowadzony w kontekście społecznym i prawnym, w którym re- alizowany jest projekt. W Polsce prawa osób z niepełnosprawnościami reguluje ustawa z dnia 19 sierpnia 1997 r. o rehabilitacji zawodowej i społecznej oraz zatrudnianiu osób niepełnosprawnych oraz ustawa z dnia 27 sierpnia 1997 r. o rehabilitacji społecznej i zawodowej...
Nanofiltration-Assisted Concentration Processes of Phenolic Fractions and Carotenoids from Natural Food Matrices
PublicationIn new food formulations, carotenoids and phenolic compounds are likely to be the most sought after food ingredients according to their bioactivity, nutraceutical, nutritional value, and compatibility properties once incorporated into food formulations. Such solutes are naturally present in many plant-based sources, and some portions are directly consumed when enriching food products and formulations; however, some portions, which...
Nanokrystaliczne tlenki metali jako katalizatory reakcji wydzielania tlenu w środowisku zasadowym
PublicationW pracy poruszona została tematyka opracowania oraz zastosowania nanokrystalicznych tlenków metali jako katalizatorów reakcji wydzielania tlenu w elektrolicie zasadowym, tj. jednej z reakcji zachodzących podczas elektrolizy wody. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono tlenkom o strukturze spinelu i perowskitu, które znane są z wyjątkowych właściwości elektrycznych, magnetycznych, optycznych oraz katalitycznych. Materiały zostały przygotowane...
Nanomateriały o właściwościach magnetycznych, fotokatalitycznych, biobójczych
PublicationTematyka badawcza pracy doktorskiej obejmuje preparatykę i charakterystykę nanomateriałów o właściwościach magnetycznych, fotokatalitycznych, biobójczych. Celem pracy była preparatyka nanomateriałów na bazie TiO2 oraz ZnFe2O4 oraz zastosowanie nanokompozytów w fotokatalizie heterogenicznej do degradacji ksenobiotyków niepodatnych na rozkład biologiczny i otrzymywania funkcjonalnych materiałów budowlanych. Otrzymane nanokompozyty...
Nanoparticle-assisted biohydrogen production from pretreated food industry wastewater sludge: Microbial community shifts in batch and continuous processes
PublicationBiohydrogen production from industrial waste has gained a significant attention as a sustainable energy source. In this study, the enrichment of biohydrogen production from pretreated dissolved air flotation (DAF) sludge, generated from food industry wastewater treatment plants, was investigated using SiO2@Cu-Ag dendrites cor- e–shell nanostructure (NS). The effect of NS on the changes of the microbial community and biohydrogen...
Nanoparticles—mediated entomotoxicology: lessons from biologica
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Nanoporous Copper Films: How to Grow Porous Films by Magnetron Sputter Deposition
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Napęd z silnikiem indukcyjnym i 4-gałęziowym falownikiem SiC do turbosprężarek powietrza ogniw paliwowych dużej mocy
PublicationWysoka cena ogniw paliwowych utrudnia ich szerokie zastosowanie w transporcie i przemyśle. Należy szukać możliwości obniżenia ich kosztu również poprzez obniżenie kosztu i zwiększenie wydajności urządzeń pomocniczych ogniwa paliwowego (Balance of the Plant). Autorzy proponują aby w napędzie sprężarki powietrza, zastosować wysokoobrotowy silnik indukcyjny, który jest tańszy od stosowanych obecnie silników PMSM. W referacie zaproponowano...
Nationalism as a Manipulation of Collective Imaginaries (Stereotypes) of One’s Own and Strangers in Jan Stanisław Bystroń’s “National Megalomania”
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Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents Combined with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide for the Extraction of Curcuminoids from Turmeric
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Natural Guardians: Natural Compounds as Radioprotectors in Cancer Therapy
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Natural/bio-based sorbents as greener extractive materials for endocrine disrupting compounds in samples of different matrix composition
PublicationEndocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) are a group of chemicals that interfere with the endocrine system, leading to adverse effects on human health and the environment. Increasing concerns over the EDCs presence in various environmental compartments has driven the search for greener extraction materials. Recently, the use of polymers of natural origin (biopolymers) has been demonstrated to be an effective and promising research...
Nature-Inspired Driven Deep-AI Algorithms for Wind Speed Prediction
PublicationPredicting wind energy production accurately is crucial for enhancing grid management and dispatching capacity. However, the inherent unpredictability of wind speed poses significant challenges to achieving high prediction accuracy. To address this challenge, this study introduces a novel pre-processing framework that leverages thirteen nature-inspired optimization algorithms to extract and combine Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs)...
Nauka w świecie cyfrowym okiem młodego inżyniera - mobilne aplikacje cross-platformowe
PublicationIstotnym punktem w analizie technologii mobilnych jest poznanie opinii osób z nimi zaznajomionych. W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostaną wyniki badań dotyczących porównania technologii cross-platformowych (uniwersalnych) i natywnych (dedykowanych), w których uwzględniono opinie i doświadczenia deweloperów pracujących w obszarze technologii mobilnych. Badanie miało na celu zrozumienie preferencji, wyzwań i korzyści związanych...
Nauka w świecie cyfrowym okiem młodego inżyniera - nawigacja mobilna w miastach
PublicationDynamiczny rozwój technologii ICT i miniaturyzacja komponentów elektronicznych doprowadziły do sytuacji, w której znaczna część światowego społeczeństwa korzysta z urządzeń mobilnych. Dzięki powszechnemu dostępowi do smartfonów każdy użytkownik może w prosty sposób sprawdzić swoje położenie, niezależnie od tego, gdzie w danej chwili się znajduje. Ponadto sami operatorzy sieci komórkowych oraz dostawcy szeregu serwisów korzystają...
Nauka w świecie cyfrowym okiem młodego inżyniera – trendy w aplikacjach mobilnych
PublicationAplikacje mobilne zyskały ogromną popularność wraz z postępem technologicznym i rozwojem telefonów komórkowych, które w dzisiejszych czasach nie są już wykorzystywane tylko do komunikacji za pomocą połączeń głosowych czy wiadomości SMS. Za pomocą smartfonów możemy dokonywać zakupów w Internecie, przeglądać sieci społecznościowe, wykonywać operacje bankowe. Ciągły rozwój tej dziedziny technologii daje szereg możliwości deweloperom...
Navigating the complexities of altruistic helping in Nonprofit Organizations: An analysis of Benefits, Burdens and managerial challenges
PublicationWe investigate how individuals cope with side effects of altruistic behaviour at work, i.e. genuine helping behaviour which is not part of any job description, and what role the organizational context plays in these dynamics. Employing simultaneous dyadic interviews, we show how employees of non-profit organizations cope with undesired effects of altruistic help. Our data provides evidence of unintended outcomes for the individual...
Navigating the Complexity: Understanding Social Integration in Smart Communities versus Smart Cities
PublicationThis study delves into the differentiation between smart community and smart city concepts, employing a comprehensive review of conceptual literature. The aim of this study is to identify and deliberate on the nuanced disparities between these two paradigms. By establishing pivotal distinctions, we aim to scrutinize the integration of social aspects in the development and implementation of smart communities. Our findings will offer...
Navigating through novelties concerning mCRC treatment—the role of immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy in mCRC
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[(N-benzamidomethyl)(N-benzoyl)amino]methyltriphenylphosphonium Tetrafluoroborate
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N-doped graphene quantum dot-decorated MOF-derived yolk-shell ZnO/NiO hybrids to boost lithium and sodium ion battery performance
PublicationSurface engineering at the nanoscale to obtain robust interface between metal oxides and quantum dots is essential for improving the performance and stability of battery materials. Herein, we designed and prepared novel N-doped graphene quantum dot-modified ZnO/NiO anode materials with a well-defined yolk-shell structure for lithium and sodium-ion batteries. NG QDs were assembled on the ZnO/NiO microspheres using three different...
Near Complete Giant Intracranial Aneurysm Mimicking Anaplastic Glioma: A Rare Case Report And Surgical Management
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Near-field wave interactions with defects and their implications on sub-wavelength acoustic imaging
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Negative CO2 Emission Gas Power Plant As Technology for Utilization of Sewage Sludge, Production of Electrical Energy, and CO2 Capture - Case of Chamber Under Transpiration Cooling
PublicationThis work focuses on the concept developed in the nCO2PP project, which aims to demonstrate a technology that allows to achieve negative CO2 emissions through Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) applied to sewage sludge. A feedstock is first gasified, then the resulting syngas is burned in a semi-closed oxy-fuel gas turbine with pure oxygen and water, using the advantages of oxy-combustion, to ease the capture of CO2 in the resulting...
Neprilysin-Mediated Amyloid Beta Clearance and Its Therapeutic Implications in Neurodegenerative Disorders
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Network-assisted processing of advanced IoT applications: challenges and proof-of-concept application
PublicationRecent advances in the area of the Internet of Things shows that devices are usually resource-constrained. To enable advanced applications on these devices, it is necessary to enhance their performance by leveraging external computing resources available in the network. This work presents a study of computational platforms to increase the performance of these devices based on the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) paradigm. The main...
Neural network agents trained by declarative programming tutors
PublicationThis paper presents an experimental study on the development of a neural network-based agent, trained using data generated using declarative programming. The focus of the study is the application of various agents to solve the classic logic task – The Wumpus World. The paper evaluates the effectiveness of neural-based agents across different map configurations, offering a comparative analysis to underline the strengths and limitations...
Neural network model of ship magnetic signature for different measurement depths
PublicationThis paper presents the development of a model of a corvette-type ship’s magnetic signature using an artificial neural network (ANN). The capabilities of ANNs to learn complex relationships between the vessel’s characteristics and the magnetic field at different depths are proposed as an alternative to a multi-dipole model. A training dataset, consisting of signatures prepared in finite element method (FEM) environment Simulia...
Neuroimaging and Psychiatric disorders: a literature review
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Neuro-Physiotherapy Regimen To Enhance The Functional Performance Of Meningitis With Ventriculitis And Hydrocephalus: Case Report
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Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation in Advanced Heart Failure Patients—Preliminary Report
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New BB0108, BB0126, BB0298, BB0323, and BB0689 Chromosomally Encoded Recombinant Proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato for Serodiagnosis of Lyme Disease
PublicationFive chromosomally encoded proteins, BB0108, BB0126, BB0298, BB0323, and BB0689, from Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.), were obtained in three variants each, representing the most common genospecies found in Europe (Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (s.s.), and Borrelia garinii). The reactivity of these recombinant proteins with the IgM and IgG antibodies present in human serum was assessed using Western...
New Biocompatible Ti-MOF@hydroxyapatite Composite Boosted with Gentamicin for Postoperative Infection Control
PublicationThe standard clinical management of osteomyelitis involves prolonged antibiotic therapy, which frequently necessitates the excision of infected tissues. However, the efficacy of such treatments is increasingly compromised by the rise of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, underscoring an urgent need for innovative approaches. This study introduces a novel composite material designed to offer dual functionality: robust antimicrobial...
New concept of drilling auger for displacement pile installation
PublicationIn 2020, a new version of the screw displacement auger for pile installation in soil was developed and patented in Poland. It was named DPDT (Displacement Pile Drilling Tool). The general aim of its development was to reduce the soil resistances to the auger during screwing into the ground while maintaning a good load-bearing capacity for the screw displacement piles. The “DPDT-Auger” prototype was tested as a scaled-down model...
New generation composite panels for military and civil applications: mechanical, thermal, fire, and acoustic properties
PublicationThe article presents selected results from a research programme on innovative composite panels featuring an insulating core and magnesium cement facings, optionally reinforced with additional steel facings. The scope of the research programme includes the assessment of the panels themselves, as well as the partitions constructed from them and entire buildings, including portable structures built in accordance with the requirements...
New heterometallic Co/Zn, Ag/Co, and Ag/Zn imidazolates: structural characterization and catalytic activity in the oxidation of organic compounds
PublicationNanocrystalline powders of monometallic and bimetallic imidazolates of Co, Zn, and Ag were produced by a reaction carried out in water. The powders were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction and the crystal structures of new compounds Ag2ZnIm4 and Ag2CoIm4 (Im = imidazolate) were solved. Heterometallic Co/Zn imidazolates showed the standard ZIF-8 crystal structure while Ag/Zn and Ag/Co systems were isostructural with the copper...
New implementation of data standards for AI research in precision oncology. Experience from EuCanImage
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New Method for Photoactive Cement Preparation—Selected Mechanical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of New Materials
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New Public Governance as a new wave of the public policy: theoretical approach and conceptualization of the trend
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New skills for architects: 3D scanning for an immersive experience in architectural education
PublicationThe authors of this article explore the integration of remote sensing techniques, specifically laser scanning and photogrammetry, as well as immersive visualisation via different methods applied to architectural design processes, and its potential impact on the professional development of future architects. The study demonstrates the value of extending the architectural design process into the interdisciplinary field of geomatics...