Ciliated protozoa in the impact zone of the Uzhgorod treatment plant - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Ciliated protozoa in the impact zone of the Uzhgorod treatment plant


This paper presents the results of studies on the Uzh River (Ukraine, Zakarpattia Oblast) near the effluent point of a sewage treatment plant in Uzhgorod. The samples were taken at various sites of the treatment plant along the stages of purification process, as well as in the river, at a number of different points above and below the wastewater discharge. At each of these objects, the temperature and O 2 were measured. The structure of ciliate assemblage was analyzed along the stages of the treatment process in the WWTP and in the river before and after the sewage discharge. A total of 26 ciliate taxa were observed and included in the analysis. All the studied stations were considered as a continuum in which populations of protozoa spread freely according to their ecological preferences. The majority of ciliate species were encountered in each of the examined stations, but their quantitative development differed significantly, reflecting their response to the environmental conditions at the stations. The analysis of the qualitative and quantitative distribution of ciliate populations by the stations enabled to group them in respect to the peculiarities of the local conditions. The study showed that the majority of the ciliate species, typical of bioreactors, are equally common at the stations of the Uzh River below wastewater discharges. The ciliate assemblage in the oxygen gradient demonstrated a wide spectrum of ecological tolerance at the species level. These findings confirm that ciliates are very good indicators of the environmental quality, provided that detailed information about their environmental priorities is available


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Authors (6)



Conference activity
publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
Published in:
E3S Web of Conferences no. 30, pages 1 - 7,
Title of issue:
The First Conference of the International Water Association IWA for Young Scientist in Poland “Water, Wastewater and Energy in Smart Cities” strony 1 - 7
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Pliashechnyk V., Danko Y., Łagód G., Drewnowski J., Kuzmina T., Babko R.: Ciliated protozoa in the impact zone of the Uzhgorod treatment plant// The First Conference of the International Water Association IWA for Young Scientist in Poland “Water, Wastewater and Energy in Smart Cities”/ ed. Cimochowicz-Rybicka M. Kraków: , 2017, s.1-7
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1051/e3sconf/20183002008
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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