Constructing a map of an anonymous graph: applications of universal sequences - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Constructing a map of an anonymous graph: applications of universal sequences


We study the problem of mapping an unknown environmentrepresented as an unlabelled undirected graph. A robot (or automaton)starting at a single vertex of the graph G has to traverse the graph and return to its starting point building a map of the graph in the process. We are interested in the cost of achieving this task (whenever possible) in terms of the number of edge traversal made by the robot. Another optimization criteria is to minimize the amount of information that the robot has to carry when moving from node to node in the graph. We present efficient algorithms for solving map construction using a robot that is not allowed to mark any vertex of the graph, assuming the knowledge of only an upper bound on the size of the graph. We also give universal algorithms (independent of the size of the graph) for map construction when only the starting location of the robot is marked. Our solutions apply the technique of universal exploration sequences to solve the map construction problem under various constraints. We also show how the solution can be adapted to solve other problems such as the gathering of two identical robots dispersed in an unknown graph.


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artykuły w czasopismach recenzowanych i innych wydawnictwach ciągłych
Published in:
LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE no. 6490, pages 119 - 134,
ISSN: 0302-9743
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Chalopin J., Das S., Kosowski A.: Constructing a map of an anonymous graph: applications of universal sequences// LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. -Vol. 6490., (2010), s.119-134
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1007/978-3-642-17653-1_10
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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