Employing Blended E-Learning to Improve Rate of Assignments Handing-In - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Employing Blended E-Learning to Improve Rate of Assignments Handing-In


It has been observed that students hand in homework assignments at a notably low rate in introductory C programming course. A survey has revealed that the real issue was not student learning but instructor work organization. Based on survey results, the physical course has been complemented with an e-learning component to guide the homework process. Assignment handing-in rate significantly improved, as e-learning allowed the homework process to be easily managed by one person for the entire students cohort.

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Conference activity
publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
Title of issue:
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE 2011): Special track: 4th International Conference on Information Technology in Education (CITE 2011) strony 1 - 5
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Opaliński A.: Employing Blended E-Learning to Improve Rate of Assignments Handing-In// International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE 2011): Special track: 4th International Conference on Information Technology in Education (CITE 2011)/ ed. IEEE Wuhan Section. Wuhan: , 2011, s.1-5
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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