Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area—A position paper by the European Association for Biometrics - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area—A position paper by the European Association for Biometrics


Due to migration, terror-threats and the viral pandemic, various EU member states have re-established internal border control or even closed their borders. European Association for Biometrics (EAB), a non-profit organisation, solicited the views of its members on ways which biometric technologies and services may be used to help with re-establishing open borders within the Schengen area while at the same time mitigating any adverse effects. From the responses received, this position paper was composed to identify ideas to re-establish free travel between the member states in the Schengen area. The paper covers the contending needs for security, open borders and fundamental rights as well as legal constraints that any technological solution must consider. A range of specific technologies for direct biometric recognition alongside complementary measures are outlined. The interrelated issues of ethical and societal considerations are also highlighted. Provided a holistic approach is adopted, it may be possible to reach a more optimal trade-off with regards to open borders while maintaining a high-level of security and protection of fundamental rights. European Association for Biometrics and its members can play an important role in fostering a shared understanding of security and mobility challenges and their solutions.


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Authors (48)

  • Photo of Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch

    Christoph Busch Prof. Dr.

  • Photo of  Farzin Deravi

    Farzin Deravi

  • Photo of  Dinusha Frings

    Dinusha Frings

  • Photo of  Els Kindt

    Els Kindt

  • Photo of  Ralph Lessmann

    Ralph Lessmann

  • Photo of  Alexander Nouak

    Alexander Nouak

  • Photo of  Jean Salomon

    Jean Salomon

  • Photo of  Mateus Achcar

    Mateus Achcar

  • Photo of  Fernando Alonso-Fernandez

    Fernando Alonso-Fernandez

  • Photo of  Daniel Bachenheimer

    Daniel Bachenheimer

  • Photo of  David Bethell

    David Bethell

  • Photo of  Josef Bigun

    Josef Bigun

  • Photo of  Matthew Brawley

    Matthew Brawley

  • Photo of  Guido Brockmann

    Guido Brockmann

  • Photo of  Enrique Cabello

    Enrique Cabello

  • Photo of  Patrizio Campisi

    Patrizio Campisi

  • Photo of  Aleksandro Cepilovs

    Aleksandro Cepilovs

  • Photo of  Miles Clee

    Miles Clee

  • Photo of  Mickey Cohen

    Mickey Cohen

  • Photo of  Christian Croll

    Christian Croll

  • Photo of  Bernadette Dorizzi

    Bernadette Dorizzi

  • Photo of  Martin Drahansky

    Martin Drahansky

  • Photo of  Paweł Drozdowski

    Paweł Drozdowski

  • Photo of  Fankhauser Catherine

    Fankhauser Catherine

  • Photo of  Julian Fierrez

    Julian Fierrez

  • Photo of  Marta Gomez-Barrero

    Marta Gomez-Barrero

  • Photo of  Georg Hasse

    Georg Hasse

  • Photo of  Richard Guest

    Richard Guest

  • Photo of  Ekaterina Komleva

    Ekaterina Komleva

  • Photo of  Sebastien Marcel

    Sebastien Marcel

  • Photo of  Gianluca Marcialis

    Gianluca Marcialis

  • Photo of  Laurent Mercier

    Laurent Mercier

  • Photo of  Emilio Mordini

    Emilio Mordini

  • Photo of  Stefance Mouille

    Stefance Mouille

  • Photo of  Pavlina Navratilova

    Pavlina Navratilova

  • Photo of  Javier Ortega-Garcia

    Javier Ortega-Garcia

  • Photo of  Dijana Petrovska

    Dijana Petrovska

  • Photo of  Norman Poh

    Norman Poh

  • Photo of  Istvan Racz

    Istvan Racz

  • Photo of  Raghavendra Ramachandra

    Raghavendra Ramachandra

  • Photo of  Christian Rathgeb

    Christian Rathgeb

  • Photo of  Christophe Remillet

    Christophe Remillet

  • Photo of  Uwe Seidel

    Uwe Seidel

  • Photo of  Luuk Spreeuwers

    Luuk Spreeuwers

  • Photo of  Brage Strand

    Brage Strand

  • Photo of  Sirra Toivonen

    Sirra Toivonen

  • Photo of  Andreas Uhl

    Andreas Uhl



artykuły w czasopismach
Published in:
IET Biometrics no. 12, pages 112 - 128,
ISSN: 2047-4938
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Busch C., Deravi F., Frings D., Kindt E., Lessmann R., Nouak A., Salomon J., Achcar M., Alonso-Fernandez F., Bachenheimer D., Bethell D., Bigun J., Brawley M., Brockmann G., Cabello E., Campisi P., Cepilovs A., Clee M., Cohen M., Croll C., Czyżewski A., Dorizzi B., Drahansky M., Drozdowski P., Catherine F., Fierrez J., Gomez-Barrero M., Hasse G., Guest R., Komleva E., Marcel S., Marcialis G., Mercier L., Mordini E., Mouille S., Navratilova P., Ortega-Garcia J., Petrovska D., Poh N., Racz I., Ramachandra R., Rathgeb C., Remillet C., Seidel U., Spreeuwers L., Strand B., Toivonen S., Uhl A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area—A position paper by the European Association for Biometrics// IET Biometrics -Vol. 12,iss. 2 (2023), s.112-128
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1049/bme2.12107
Sources of funding:
  • Statutory activity/subsidy
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

seen 57 times

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