Impact of the Kanban Maturity Model on a Team’s Agile Transformation: Tripling Throughput and Elevating Quality in Three Months - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Impact of the Kanban Maturity Model on a Team’s Agile Transformation: Tripling Throughput and Elevating Quality in Three Months


Agile transformations have been a significant challenge since the beginning of the agile movement, with numerous researchers and practitioners suggesting various structured approaches and guidelines. The Kanban Maturity Model (KMM) is a relatively new approach that focuses on assessing the current maturity level of an organisation, with an emphasis on a spectrum of Kanban practices. This paper presents the initial results of applying the KMM as a guide for subsequent steps in Kanban implementation and agile transformation. The exploratory case study describes the application of the KMM in the agile transformation of a software development team within a midsize organisation. Despite previous unsuccessful attempts to implement Scrum, the adoption of KMM facilitated a rapid and successful implementation of the Kanban Method. Within three months, the team’s throughput tripled, and the quality of the developed software improved significantly. The results suggest that the KMM can be successfully used as an effective guideline for agile transformation of software development teams.


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publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
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Bibliographic description:
Trzesicki J., Marek K., Przybyłek A.: Impact of the Kanban Maturity Model on a Team’s Agile Transformation: Tripling Throughput and Elevating Quality in Three Months// / : , 2024,
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1007/978-3-031-61154-4_7
Sources of funding:
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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