Innovazioni fraseologiche nei titoli della stampa italiana: una classificazione dei motivi delle innovazioni fraseologiche - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Innovazioni fraseologiche nei titoli della stampa italiana: una classificazione dei motivi delle innovazioni fraseologiche


The purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of phraseological innovations in the titles of the articles in one of the Italian newspapers La Stampa. In the first part of the article, key terms such as the phraseological norm and the phraseological innovation have been defined, taking into account various terms related to this process. Then, some innovation classifications have been presented. Finally, the analytical part describes 91 titles that are examples of innovations.


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Magazine publication
Magazine publication
Published in:
Neophilologica. Etudes semantico-syntaxiques des langues romanes. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach no. 32, pages 280 - 302,
ISSN: 0208-5550
Publication year:
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.31261/neo.2020.32.15
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