IoT protocols, architectures, and applications - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


IoT protocols, architectures, and applications


The proliferation of embedded systems, wireless technologies, and Internet protocols have enabled the IoT to bridge the gap between the virtual and physical world enabling the monitoring and control of the environment by data processing systems. IoT refers to the inter-networking of everyday objects that are equipped with sensing, computation, and communication capabilities. These networks can collaboratively interact and perform a variety of tasks autonomously. A large variety of communication technologies has gradually emerged, reflecting a large diversity of application domains and requirements. This chapter describes some research activities performed with reference to such technologies and solutions. Section 7.1 reports the research in the framework of LPWANs, with emphasis on LoRa and Narrow Band IoT (NB-IoT) technologies. Studies on centralized approaches for IoT, mainly based on the IPv6 over the TSCH (6TiSCH) standard, are addressed in Section 7.2; while Section 7.3 deals with vehicular communications. Energy-efficient solutions are presented in section 7.4, being energy consumption one of the main issues of IoT; Section 7.5 reports some architectural solutions for the application of the SDN and NFV paradigms to IoT. The chapter ends with research on specific applications and drawing some conclusions. Most of the research described in the chapter has been conducted via experimentation, using testbeds described in IRACON White Paper on Experimental Facilities [AB18].


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Monographic publication
rozdział, artykuł w książce - dziele zbiorowym /podręczniku w języku o zasięgu międzynarodowym
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Bibliographic description:
Buratti C., Ström E. G., Feltrin L., Clavier L., Gardašević G., Blazek T., Berbakov L., Balan T. C., Orozco-Barbosa L., Anton-Haro C., Rajchowski P., Zhang H.: IoT protocols, architectures, and applications// Inclusive Radio Communications for 5G and Beyond/ : , 2021, s.187-220
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1016/c2018-0-04860-4
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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