Limited dissolution of transition metals in the nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxide - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Limited dissolution of transition metals in the nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxide


Nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxides doped with transition metals have gained significant interest recently, mostly in the field of catalysis. Herein, we present the comprehensive studies on ceria doped with 10 mol.% of transition metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni or Cu) synthesized by the reverse microemulsion method. The aim of this work is to study the properties of those materials with the use of different complementary methods like XRD, SEM, TPR, and XPS and to determine the possibility of fabrication of single-phase materials with that doping level. Studies presented here prove that despite showing single-phase XRD patterns with high nanocrystallinity, in all obtained materials, the dopants are not fully incorporated in the ceria lattice. Spectroscopy studies show that additional transition metal oxides are present on the surface of all materials. Herein, we also present the analyses of L3,2-edges of transition metals in ceria, as well as high energy Ce K-edge to prove that 10 mol.% of any of those transition metals cannot be incorporated in the ceria host without the formation of additional phases. Using techniques presented here, it was found that the highest share of Mn can be dissolved in the lattice, while Cu is mostly present as a surficial Cu2O. Studies presented are an important contribution to the discussion about the solubility limits in nanocrystalline ceria and its properties which may be utilized for e.g various catalysts or as electrolytes.


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artykuły w czasopismach
Published in:
ISSN: 0272-8842
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Bibliographic description:
Ducka A., Błaszczak P., Zajac M., Mizera A., d'Acapito F., Bochentyn B.: Limited dissolution of transition metals in the nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxide// CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL -, (2024),
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.10.004
Sources of funding:
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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