Methodology for determining the elemental composition, as well as energy and ignition properties of the low-sulfur marine fuels - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Methodology for determining the elemental composition, as well as energy and ignition properties of the low-sulfur marine fuels


The key metrological issue of substance and energy balance in research engines is the precise determination of the elemental composition of the applied fuel and its net calorific value. This makes it possible to calculate the amount of heat brought with the fuel into the combustion chamber, as well as the amount and gas composition of the exhaust. However, to fully assess the energy quality of the fuel used, its ignition properties should also be estimated. They determine the combustion kinetics and, consequently, the course of gas pressure alterations and heat release in the cylinder, which have a direct impact on the indicated power and thermal efficiency of the engine. This article presents the methodology for carrying out this type of laboratory tests and their representative results concerning six different low-sulfur marine fuels used to feed marine engines at present. The considerations focus mainly on measurement technology, as well as the measuring apparatus applied today. Additionally some existing metrological difficulties that might be met were shortly described. The laboratory tests in question stand for the first stage of the program of testing a new kind of low-sulfur marine fuels in real operating conditions of a diesel engine, which was carried out at the Department of Ship Power Plants of the Gdańsk University of Technology.


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Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.19206/CE-141573
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Published in:
Combustion Engines
ISSN: 2300-9896
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Korczewski Z.: Methodology for determining the elemental composition, as well as energy and ignition properties of the low-sulfur marine fuels// Combustion Engines -, (2021),
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.19206/ce-141573
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

seen 149 times

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