Modeling the Effects of Slowly Biodegradable Substrate at Large WWTP in Northern Poland - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Modeling the Effects of Slowly Biodegradable Substrate at Large WWTP in Northern Poland


The essential study was divided into two parts: experimental investigation and mathematical modeling using special platform to computer simulations. In the first part of research an innovative measurement procedure for an indirect determination of the effect of biodegradable particulate and colloidal Xs substrate was developed and implemented. The results of laboratory tests were used futher to verify the mechanism of the hydrolysis process using an existing IWA model ASM2d. Based on the concept “dual hydrolysis model” a new mathematical model in the combined N-P activated sludge systems was developed as the modified version of ASM2d during the study at “Wschod” WWTP in Gdansk (Poland) and presented in detail elsewhere. This paper contains further results obtained at a recently upgraded “Debogorze” WWTP in Gdynia under transient conditions (fall and spring sessions). The aim of this study was verified and compared of the newly developed two-step hydrolysis model of Xs called “modified ASM2d” at second large BNR plant in northern Poland.

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Conference activity
publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
Title of issue:
12th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants strony 286 - 290
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Drewnowski J., Mąkinia J.: Modeling the Effects of Slowly Biodegradable Substrate at Large WWTP in Northern Poland// 12th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants/ ed. Jiri Wanner Praga: IWA, 2015, s.286-290
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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