The levels of organonitrogen, organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides were monitored in rain and roof runoff waters in Gdask (Poland) over a period of 6 months (October 2000 - March 2001). Buildings included in the study were of different ages, and covered with a variety of roofing materials. Samples were collected during the precipitation events. Pesticides were determined by gas chromatography combined with NPD and ECD detection. Bromofos, heptachlor epoxide and o,p'-DDE were detected the most often in the samples collected. In general, pesticide concentrations were higher in roof runoff than in rainwater. The type of the roofing material had a significant effect on the pesticide levels in runoff waters. The highest analyte levels were recorded in October and November, when the temperature was the highest.Zawartości pestycydów chlorowco-, azoto-, i fosforoorganicznych, były monitorowane w wodzie spływnej i opadowej. Dachy, z których pobierano próbki były różnego wieku i pokryte były różnego typu materiałem. Zawartości pestycydów oznaczano przy pomocy chromatografii gazowej z detekcją NPD lub ECD. Bromofosu, DDE oraz epoksyd heptachloru były wykryte w największej ilości próbek. Typ pokrycia dachowego miał znaczący wpływ na poziom zawartości pestycydów w próbkach.
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- Category:
- Articles
- Type:
- artykuł w czasopiśmie indeksowanym TR Master Journal List
- Published in:
Urban Water Journal
no. 6,
pages 441 - 448,
ISSN: 1573-062X - Language:
- English
- Publication year:
- 2009
- Bibliographic description:
- Polkowska Ż., Tobiszewski M., Gorecki T., Namieśnik J.: Pesticides in rain and roof runoff waters from an urban region// Urban Water Journal. -Vol. 6., nr. iss. 6 (2009), s.441-448
- DOI:
- Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1080/15730620902972405
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
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