Probabilistic Methods in Reliability Assessment of Engineering Lightweight Structures - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Probabilistic Methods in Reliability Assessment of Engineering Lightweight Structures


The paper considers the probability-based analysis of structural safety measures. Two different numerical examples of representative lightweight structures are considered – a submerged truss tower supporting an offshore platform, and an overhead power line support truss tower. On the basis of these examples, the importance of a motivated selection of analysis method and a proper choice of the number of important variables is shown. Moreover, formulation of the reliability index related to the response of a considered structure is presented, alongside the possibility of adjusting the random methodology to the given task. The structures under consideration are burdened with uncertainties – material and load imperfections. Additionally, the simulation is performed of the impact of chosen imperfections to the structural reliability decrement in the time of structural service. Such an applicability overview of random methodology is performed to show that even a diverse structural domain may be analysed by a versatile random approach. Moreover, proper reliability estimation is possible even for specifically simplified cases.

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Conference activity
publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
Title of issue:
XXIV Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering - Contemporary Problems strony 147 - 157
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Winkelmann K.: Probabilistic Methods in Reliability Assessment of Engineering Lightweight Structures// XXIV Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering - Contemporary Problems/ ed. Marcin Kamiński, jacek Szafran Łódź: , 2018, s.147-157
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

seen 111 times

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