Reshaping of Coastlines as the Beginning of Urban Structures Changes in North Poland - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Reshaping of Coastlines as the Beginning of Urban Structures Changes in North Poland


This article discusses the problem of strategies concerning the processes of re-shaping the Baltic Sea southern coastline applied recently in North Poland. The undertaken research is an attempt to identify the relationship between the modifications of coastline forms and the positive changes of urban structures. It can be seen that these modifications are needed because of the problems of existing shoreline erosion. It can be also observed, that many realized interventions were helpful to save the land but they did not improve the condition of cities situated along the coast. In these cases it is impossible to connect the sea coastline with the existing grid of public spaces which is a barrier to creating a system that could be perceived as a coherent landscape. The basis for proving the importance of special ways of shoreline modifications are comparative studies and in-field analyses. In facing the problems of coastal cities there is a need to analyse the condition of existing urban structures. Worth noting is the fact that these structures have a unique character because of their location. They play an important role as holiday resorts being an attraction for many inhabitants and visitors from all over the world. Such a role plays, for example, an important part in places such as Jarosławiec, Ustka or Kołobrzeg. However, analysing the strategies applied in recent years, it can be noted that they cannot be the only basis for the strengthening of connections between land and water helping to preserve the land, but they may also play an important role as a factor for initiating urban structures transformations. What is also important, it can be claimed that relationships between sea water and urban structures should be strengthened due to special forms of the coast line. They should be integrated into existing structures making them more comfortable and attractive while also protecting against threats from the water. Playing the role as a protector of land they should use special constructions being at the same time accessible to all users throughout the year and regardless of weather conditions. It is worth emphasizing that special treatment of the coastline helps to establish it as a public domain which is important in achieving high quality urban-water landscapes. Therefore it should be the objective of strategies which are being prepared for parts of coastlines waiting for intervention.


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Conference activity
materiały konferencyjne indeksowane w Web of Science
Published in:
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering no. 245, pages 1 - 9,
ISSN: 1757-8981
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Burda I., Nyka L., Borodziuk A..: Reshaping of Coastlines as the Beginning of Urban Structures Changes in North Poland, W: , 2017, ,.
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1088/1757-899x/245/6/062038
Sources of funding:
  • Statutory activity/subsidy
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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