Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of borate-bismuth glasses and glass-ceramics doped with rare earth ions - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of borate-bismuth glasses and glass-ceramics doped with rare earth ions


In a doctoral dissertation, new borate-bismuth glasses and glass-ceramics containing AlF3 and SrF2 were examined as potential hosts for RE3+ ions. Experimental studies were conducted to determine optimal conditions for synthesizing transparent borate-bismuth glasses and glass ceramics, with a focus on analyzing their structure and luminescence properties. The introduction of AlF3 into the glass matrix led to an increase in the luminescence intensity of RE3+ ions in glasses containing 10 mol% AlF3. It was observed that the emitted color could be adjusted by varying the ratios of RE3+ ions. In the study of glass-ceramic systems doped with SrF2, successful crystallization of SrF2 nanocrystals was achieved. Structural modifications of the parental glass, leading to SrF2 nanostructure crystallization, were found to depend strongly on the initial amount of strontium fluoride. An increase in luminescence intensity was observed after annealing in samples containing 20 mol% SrF2. Luminescence lifetimes indicated that some of the Eu3+ ions were located in SrF2 nanocrystals, which was further supported by analysis of Judd–Ofelt parameters and luminescence intensity ratio. The presented results suggest that the proposed glasses and glass ceramics could serve as suitable matrices for optically active RE3+ ions.

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